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FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale


Jul 9, 2013
Whitby, ON

Who's the guy in Hamilton with the warehouse? Is he on here??



Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Who's the guy in Hamilton with the warehouse? Is he on here??

Be careful as it might be Stephen Anderson aka Mark Uttley aka a lot of other alias which can be read here:


I know DRANO bought a Golden Arrow wedge head from him about 2 years ago. It was a paid in person when he picked it up from Hamilton at the time. I know Mark Uttley scammed someone earlier this year in January which you can read here:



Staff member
Nov 14, 2012


Mar 2, 2013
Windsor ON
It's at the point with sites like this one, and maaca that I am nervous to post any machine at any price on any other website. If you post a game for what is probably 'market price' THESE DAYS (not 10 years ago when there were a lot more low priced tables out there) - you can be pretty sure that you will upset someone somewhere. If you ask too little it becomes a feeding frenzy on Kijiji.

I know that Pin Bot isn't a $4000 game. Or is it? If even one person somewhere will pay that, then it is. I don't think that BSD is a $4000 game either... but a lot of people really like Dracula. I put a game on Kijiji recently and I asked a fairly high price for it, knowing that I would get low balled and expecting to sell for a few hundred less than what I asked. What I didn't expect was people that I don't know and never will know actually taking the time and effort to write me expressing their displeasure at my price.

I don't think that a bottle of Chateau Margaux is worth $2000, but I don't write letters to the vineyard about it. I don't think that a Fendi handbag could possibly be worth $28,000 either, but I don't write letters to Fendi. I just don't drink Chateau Margaux or keep my pinball change and my weed (which I remember was $10 a lid back in 1988, prices go up on everything!) in Fendi bags.

I dunno. Just gets my back up a bit I guess.


Active Member
May 29, 2013
:)Hazzard you are quite right, I couldn't care less what someone pays or asks in price for a pin. None of us are obligated to buy anything so who cares? I too have heard plenty of times, you over paid or asking too much well then don't buy it. There seems to be an arrogance present with a lot of pinheads that is very dishearten but I feel for them as I also sometimes get an idea that they have lost the joy, JMO. I bought that Pinbot for 3K delivered and very happy with it, I just bought a WWind for 4K thats mint as well and very exicted to get 2 classic games in pristine condition. Point is in any hobby a product is worth what ever someone is willing to pay. Its strange as a CCC can garner 15 000 dollars and nobody says anything, I wouldn't buy that for any more than 5000 because thats all its worth to me. If i looked at it any other way then pinball just became a business rather than a passion.
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Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
Pinball machines are worth what "someone will pay for them".
They are a "commodity" that is more "rare" than other objects are currently.
In the end, these devices are machines that "provide pleasure" AND are "very nice objects" for you.
The "market" will dictate what the price "is" and what "collector's" will fight to do to "keep" them ours!
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Mar 2, 2013
Windsor ON
Zod - Congrats on the Pin-Bot. High on my all time list. I hope it is as minty fresh as advertised. I guarantee that in a year from now when you hear that metallic voice say "Now. I. See. You." and he spits out that wicked little two ball multi you won't give a shit about the 3K - it will all be worth it. ;)


Mar 2, 2013
Windsor ON
Here is my last thoughts on this, and then I will let this thread get back to its actual purpose...

I was born in 1973. I wasn't a great fan of school. I was a great fan of the arcade. I spent a lot of time down at Squeegee's pool hall on Islington Avenue when I was supposed to be in math class. I played Bubble Bobble and Pole Position and Centipede. Those were my big 3. In 1987 a new machine arrived. I mean like brand new. It was a thing of true beauty. It had a field of coloured lights in the middle and a robot head that opened up. And it talked! The older kids waited in turns to play it and had high score contests and impressed their girlfriends by collecting the most planets... Pin Bot. The first machine that made me really notice pinball. I had dreams about that game. I stole quarters from a jar on my father's dresser to go and play it (sorry Dad.)

Fast forward to 2015. I am 41 years old. Let's say for arguments sake that I am a successful adult with a house and a truck and a well paying job. I have a basement that I have obviously made into my man cave and purchased a pool table, a poker table, a big screen TV and an X-Box. I mean, that's what you do these days right? So I'm surfing around on Kijiji looking at games and shit, drinking my craft beer while the BBQ heats up and there it is. Pin Bot. In near mint condition. Those eyes are staring at me while the robot on the side of the cabinet seems to shrug his shoulders and say "What? What are 'ya gonna do, buddy? Here I am, bro - come and get me." The seller wants $4000.

In this scenario, I am not a pin head, I am not a collector, I don't know how to fix up a project game, I truly do not give a crap about the pinball price wars... I am just a dude with a van and a basement and a healthy savings account looking at an iconic piece of my youth for sale on the internet. Is it worth $4K to me? Absolutely. The kids can work the summer before they go to college if they need the money that bad. I want my pinball machine from Squeegee's Arcade.

Did Pin Bot just become a $4000 machine in the current marketplace? You know it did.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
Nice write-up, but there will always be anomalies. Just because one sold, doesnt make the rest the same.

There is a reason HEP games sell for what they do, and the same reason that exact same title elsewhere will not go even close to it.

While there may be a high earner on a few sales, it hardly dictates the market value. Sure it reflects on it, but dont expect all pinbots to suddenly become gold.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2012
Crystal Beach, Ontario
Just a note on this subject, as in any collector style hobby, there will always be comments on prices. Mostly because the market will continually fluctuate, dependent on soooooo many factors they cannot be easily listed. Point is, yes it's easy to point fingers at people for questioning prices aloud, but when that stops happening, we become a silent auction. Takes all the fun out of keeping people "honest".......my 2 cents. (And by honest, in no way does it suggest that asking a high price is dishonest, more a tongue in cheek term). I think secretly everyone here views discussion on values whether real or perceived as part of the "sport".
And God bless if you can afford or make space in your personal finances to buy and pay whatever you feel is appropriate.


Active Member
May 29, 2013
3K for that Pinbot doesn't seem out of hand to me, Is it high sure but by how much? If a players pinbot in decent shape is around 1500 then 3K for mint seemes fair. I know guys who will pass on a pin they want because its a few hundred dollars over what current market value is and thats fine but for some of us (me) with zero patience and a must have collectors mentality couldn't walk away from a desired purchase because of 3 bills. I kinda wish I could but shit it might take a year before it comes up again, that dog don't hunt. I think it brings alot of people a sense of accomplishment to be able to say they found a cheap example thats looks and plays great but that means it was bought for less than its worth, no one complains then do they? As I see it its ok to sell your pin for a lot less than its worth to you but its not ok to pay more for a pin thats worth it to you. I just realized something, who cares.
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Active Member
Feb 3, 2015
Richmond Hill
This is pinball Revolution not the Communist revolution. To have a policy or supress opinions on price is silly, irresponsible and results in someone paying more than they should for a particular pin. We can offer opinions on what we personally feel is the "going rate" or "average" based on what we have seen in the wild which may help people make an informed decision about a particular purchase. If an individual is willing to pay more based on sentimentalities and nostalgia then that's their choice. When you see pretty much everyone here chiming in that Pinbot for $4500 (except Luch) is too much, there is a very good chance that its priced too high . Even the seller thought it was too high and relisted. If a newbie came here and didn't get those opinions he would certainly be overpaying. Bottom line, there is value in giving opinions on price, after all they are only opinions.
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