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Eight Ball Pinball Problem

Steve Pagano

New Member
Jun 15, 2019
New Jersey
I repined my J1,J2 and J3 connectors on my power board to see if that would fix having no backbox lights.
That problem was corrected but now I have no playfield lights or flippers and Q19 on my Alltek replacement solenoid board is flashing. Can anyone offer advice?


Active Member
Apr 27, 2013
Ottawa, ON
Is the machine booting and going into attract mode? Displays on?
Can you start a game, and the ball ejects from the outhole and scores points going over playfield switches?

Playfield lights no longer working: General Illumination, or Controller lamps?
Did you check fuses on the rectifier board?

Is the machine tilted with the Tilt lamp on (e.g. no flippers).

Q19 drives only the coin lockout coil inside the cash door. How fast is the LED flashing?

...When new issues appear after performing some work on a pinball machine, the first thing I do
is to double-check the work I just performed (soldering, pins and pinout of wires for connectors for instance).

Good luck!
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