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High Speed Strange Issue

Will Stoddard

New Member
Dec 5, 2019
Chandler AZ

Thank you for reading this. My HS is acting strange. Hope someone has some feedback.
After running the red light and first ball is captured, the music and light sequence starts... and then it just keeps going. The music and light sequence continues indefinitely. The next ball is not ejected, nor does it freeze, but it never does anything else. It happens the same if the ball is captured in the left or right hideout. Power cycling causes the ball to be ejected from hideout as expected. I have check all 4 hideout microswitches and they are fine. It passes the switch diagnostics and switch edge tests ok. The system does lock up occasionally during testing.
Anyone have any ideas for testing/troubleshooting this issue?


Active Member
Apr 27, 2013
Ottawa, ON
I would check the microswitches in the through for proper closing (mechanical and electrical),
proper switch detection at the MPU (e.g. switch test including the microswitches in the through under the apron).
Plus I would also remove the apron to look at the balls being properly fed down through the ramp when
one ball is served (e.g. no divot or remaining balls being 'stuck' or not rolling down).

Good luck!