• We have upgaded to the latest version of XenForum and the process finished without any errors!!!! Enjoy the new forum!



Staff member
Nov 13, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you the last(?) piece of the puzzle to our great community. The Menace Files (otherwise known as "The Santiago Files") :) If you're familiar with The Pinball Ninja, our goal here is to simply offer some insight into what it takes to keep our favourite games alive. Menace has been repairing and restoring games for years, in some cases bringing them to better-than-new condition. He's been generous enough to give us a glimpse of what it takes to be one of the best in Ontario at what he does.

Thanks, Menace! You have the floor. :D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Santiago de Aurora
Oh boy... what have I got myself into here? LOL

Well, this section has been in discussion since the forum was created and is long overdue. I've been quietly working away on games, taking pic's and trying to document a number of the repairs along the way, in hopes to some day post them all up here for others to enjoy. While I appreciate all of the nice things Brock has said about my work I am no Pinball Ninja, I'm just another collector like everyone else here that just happens to enjoy mending these old machines as much, if not more than playing them. There is no greater feeling for me than standing back and watching others enjoying a game that I've tweaked / fixed / restored that was previously un-playable. And then the social aspect of the hobby takes over, which is what I feel this hobby is truly all about. Throw-downs anyone? :)

I will do my best to keep updating this section as much as possible with fresh content, and hopefully in a way that keeps everyone engaged. Just bear with me as this isn't my full-time gig, and no matter how much you try... life gets in the way. :)




Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Santiago de Aurora
As I get more entries under my belt I'm sure I'll have a better idea of what pics / and eventually short vids that will help with this section. It'll be a learn as I go sort of thing. I've also been toying with the idea of tying this to a twitter feed, and tweeting repairs... just one of the ideas I've had about this section.

That being said, so far of the repairs I've done lately I have stuff to post for Hotdoggin', High Speed, Who Dunnit, STTNG, TAF, A13. (there were more, but I didn't log / take pics of everything unfortunately) Currently in progress I have RS, FH, IJ, HS2, Cheetah PF swap. I will create new threads for each machine, and I hope to begin posting this stuff by the weekend.


Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Great idea-I always enjoy reading about repairs and especially the troubleshooting steps that go into them. Makes me much more confident in fixing my own games.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2012
It is a tough task to thank Doug enough already.

I hear he likes Tequila :D

Seriously, Doug is an invaluable member of our community.. a great teacher and one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Many of us already owe him a great deal of gratitude for the confidence he's given us in fixing our own games. He's not the only one either! There are many lurkers I know on here who used to post some great advice "back in the day". Here's hoping they come out of the woodwork and re-join the great community of pinball enthusiasts that this place is becoming!

The future for pinball is so bright, I gotta wear shades! :cool: