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Search results

  1. luch

    Corey Cooke , London Pinball

    nice article and news video on Corey Cooke, well done! https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/pinball-repariman-full-time-1.6422538
  2. luch

    SOLD TMNT Premium

    good price
  3. luch

    WTB Stern Spike shaker motor kit wanted

    anyone have a Stern Spike shaker motor kit , they want to sell ?
  4. luch

    SOLD Guns and Roses JJP SE $12,500 firm

    Guns and Roses JJP SE , very nice condition , has plastic washer kit installed by previous owner , has only 315 lifetime games played ,only issue I had was the led light strip under the guitar over the left ramp stopped working , JJP sent me a new led strip , Really only looking to...
  5. luch

    SOLD Jurassic Park premium stern 13.5K Spider man vault + cash to trade ?

    that's if you can go to player one , pay and walk out with game in tow , there is a huge waiting list and back orders , so 1k to get it now is the price you pay
  6. luch


    so what value are you putting on rush le 16k ?
  7. luch

    MM - new rubbers

    i can help
  8. luch

    SOLD Jays tickets , 4th row behind home plate , 3 seats together from $120 each

    Jays tickets for sale 4th row behind home plate , 3 seats together , from$120 each ,home opener is sold
  9. luch

    Hello from Sask.

  10. luch

    SOLD Medieval Madness Royal Edition - SOLD PPU

    it's only worth that kind with proper grading at a10 which is rare , and when you have the cash in your hand !