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Search results

  1. eh97ac

    SOLD HUO Revenge From Mars with SWEP1 kit

    Re: HUO Revenge From Mars with SWEP1 kit You'd be crazy to take Hwy 7 all the way, unless you like the scenic route. I do this trip yearly and 401 + the 40 right through MTL is the way to go.
  2. eh97ac

    SOLD Volcano

    Put it on kijiji for 1200 OBO and then get your 1000 back. Sounds like you are a mini B1 with the parting out statement
  3. eh97ac

    LF: Williams 1980's lockdown bar and mech - FOUND

    Need a lockdown bar and mech for a Time Warp, any condition. This is not a wide body game.
  4. eh97ac

    [FOUND]: Doctor Who

    Re: WTB: Doctor Who Thanks Brock.
  5. eh97ac

    Machine acronym identifier

  6. eh97ac

    FS Cabinet Repairs and Replacement

    Here is my Sys11 cab that Steve did. Final Base coat applied, stencils going on next.
  7. eh97ac

    FS Cabinet Repairs and Replacement

    I believe TAF cabinet plans are covered by Drano's purchase. Steve did my HS cabinet, including a proper opening for the police beacon and a custom request to move the cabinet speaker hole. It's awesome, just finished my first base coat now that the weather has picked up.
  8. eh97ac

    Looking for pinball in Western Canada

    Lots of western action here http://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/ ... nt-to-sell
  9. eh97ac

    [FOUND]: Doctor Who

    Re: WTB: Doctor Who Thanks Mike but it's the same seller as before. He won't budge on price and 13% exchange and 13% at the boarder kills it for me
  10. eh97ac

    HVLP - Input needed

    Ooohh :o MY! (understandable considering the great work you do) Thanks for the input guys
  11. eh97ac

    HVLP - Input needed

    Looking for home use HVLP setup for the garage. I am talking about spraying cabs, part....etc, not clearing PF's. Anybody have experience or recommended setups including compressor?
  12. eh97ac

    [FOUND]: Doctor Who

    Re: WTB: Doctor Who Still looking :FP:
  13. eh97ac

    [FOUND]: Doctor Who

    Re: WTB: Doctor Who Cool, talking to the guy already!
  14. eh97ac

    [FOUND]: Doctor Who

    Re: WTB: Doctor Who is still looking for a Doctor Who.
  15. eh97ac

    Machine value: Alien Poker

    Or get it for $850 http://www.maaca.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=15362
  16. eh97ac

    f14 display

    Maybe he means swapping player 1-3 cable with 4
  17. eh97ac

    f14 display

    Pull the battery and "factory reset" it
  18. eh97ac

    best way to polish metal?

    Wow, I thought you could only sand stainless in 2 directions. Thanks!