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Search results

  1. a.stebel

    Stern Jaws

    Perfectly summed up. Jaws is so easy with zero danger shots and you aren’t punished at all for any bricked shots.
  2. a.stebel


    Shooter lane is the least of your worries on this game. 2 things two check on POTC: main ramp for breaks and cracks and ship hull and sails. These is extremely hard to find. The rest of the game parts are available. Playfield included.
  3. a.stebel

    Antisocial Pinball Lounge

  4. a.stebel

    Antisocial Pinball Lounge

  5. a.stebel

    Antisocial Pinball Lounge

    Galatic Tank Force!!!!
  6. a.stebel

    Antisocial Pinball Lounge

    Damn this list of games is amazing! Holding out hope for one more game….
  7. a.stebel

    WTB Elvis machine

    Hi Danball. I don’t have an Elvis machine currently. My friend Guard has one. You can ask him if it is for sale. https://www.pinballrevolution.com/members/guard.1196/ Anthony Kstebel@rogers.com
  8. a.stebel

    FOUND Oktoberfest

    Big Thank you to Jeff from The Mana Lounge who was able to get me a Oktoberfest Deluxe direct from American Pinball!
  9. a.stebel


    Stern Whitestar games will blow the transistor if you hold the flipper up for an extended period of time. By extended I mean multiple minutes. Most players never cradle that long.
  10. a.stebel

    WTB Central Ontario Pinball Fest Parts for sale!?

    They are actually Ionized leg bolts. They have a colored chrome look to them. I have them on all my games, they look fantastic.
  11. a.stebel

    FOUND IC Sterns - Rush, BKSOR, TMNT etc...

    100%. Jeff has been fantastic to work with. Already got 2 NIB machines and accessories for the games.
  12. a.stebel

    FOUND Rollergames translite

    Looking for a Rollergames translite. I have loads of other translites for trade. If anyone has a playfield I’d be interested as well.
  13. a.stebel

    FS [Pre-Order] John Wick is up!

    Why not? It’s not like there are many. Is it too difficult for you to scroll past?
  14. a.stebel

    WTB OEM Stern Shaker motor

    Pinball Medics also has them. He is in Ottawa.
  15. a.stebel

    FOUND Oktoberfest

    Oh I know. I saw it right away when I got around that corner!
  16. a.stebel

    FOUND Oktoberfest

    They sold the one off the floor in the Auction.
  17. a.stebel

    FOUND Oktoberfest

    I have been in contact. Hoping for a localish one before resorting to shipping. Cash on the glass… Anthony
  18. a.stebel

    FOUND Oktoberfest

    Anyone have an Oktoberfest for sale? Does anyone even own an Oktoberfest? Seems to be super rare here in Ontario.
  19. a.stebel

    WTB Stern metal aprons.

    Looking for a few metal Stern aprons. Stranger Things Prem uv upgrade replaces the old metal apron.
  20. a.stebel


    Probably fixed a socket issue when he swapped bulbs. Best thing is to note what bulbs are flickering and where there a located in the switch matrix. Might be an issue with a certain column or row of lights.