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Search results

  1. AGFREE12

    Alice in Wonderland

    If it's anything like Grim Fairy Tale, Alice in Wonderland I'm definitely putting a down payment in at Nitro.:cool:
  2. AGFREE12

    John Wick next from Stern

    I hope so John wicks 1-4 is a great amount of assets
  3. AGFREE12

    John Wick next from Stern

    I Wonder if it is just John Wick Chapter 4 if so do they have enough assets.
  4. AGFREE12

    SOLD LOTR HUO, Original owner, sold PPU

    Holy sh*t that LOTR looks brand new
  5. AGFREE12

    New Year

    Happy new year to all the great members of the rev community
  6. AGFREE12

    Merry Christmas

    Si Feliz Navidad. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the fine members of this community.
  7. AGFREE12

    SOLD MMR LE with HD XL Color display and Premium sound upgrades

    This machine is a beauty I'm so tempted...
  8. AGFREE12

    SOLD 2021 Hot Wheels - Bought NIB - only 1200 plays - Downtown Toronto

    Price must be posted per the rules of this forum
  9. AGFREE12

    SOLD MMR LE with HD XL Color display and Premium sound upgrades

    Wow thats stunning that XL display and sound upgrade bring it too the next level. Asking price looks fair GLWTS.
  10. AGFREE12

    FS/FT Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure (Williams 1993)

    Are the fliptronics power and cpu board original or have they been modernized to new units or are they original old boards?
  11. AGFREE12

    FS Spooky Ultraman CE - $9K CAD

    Is this machine still available ?
  12. AGFREE12

    SOLD Godzilla Limited Edition $24k

    Are you willing to trade for left kidney minimal alcohol use. First owner HUO
  13. AGFREE12

    SOLD Jurassic Park Premium

    Shooter lane photo?
  14. AGFREE12

    SOLD Indiana Jones Pinball Adventure

    I'll trade my left kidney HUO lightly used
  15. AGFREE12

    FS Video Cards for sale

    NVDIA GTX 1080 $200 AMD RX 580 $100 Both Cards fully working. Would be excellent for someones PC or MAME Rig.
  16. AGFREE12

    New Stern machines and factory balls

    Stern Silver jets sure....... I seriously doubt it
  17. AGFREE12

    FS BLACK SPIDERMAN 11000.00$

    Bump for a great pin
  18. AGFREE12

    SOLD Mandalorian Premium - HUO (Ottawa)

    Wow that game is beautiful