Preamble: I sold my virtual pin project I was working on back to the fellow I actually bought it from originally and now I'm wondering if I made the right decision. With champagne tastes and a beer budget I'm not confident I'm going to find a pin that I really want to own for what I want to spend so I'm considering going back down the virtual route.
Anyone in the GTA have a wide body cab, ideally with leg's and pf glass that they would be willing to part with? I'm looking for a more modern cabinet, 90's or newer, speaker panel in place would be great too. Let me know cost/condition.
Anyone in the GTA have a wide body cab, ideally with leg's and pf glass that they would be willing to part with? I'm looking for a more modern cabinet, 90's or newer, speaker panel in place would be great too. Let me know cost/condition.