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Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Traded for this yesterday. Wasn't really considering it before I played it at P1, but I really like Elwin games:


I blame Teolis for pointing out that the Pro and Premium are basically identical from a gameplay POV, which is the only reason I considered the pro. I definitely want to see how the Premium mechs work, but for now I'm having fun with the pro and the amazing playfield layout. Still trying to figure out the rules, but first impression is that it's easier than Avengers.
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Dylan G

Active Member
May 14, 2021
I own a premium and played a pro in the wild and IMO I can definitely say that the premium is a hell of a lot better to play.


Active Member
Nov 19, 2012
Windsor. ON.
Shot for shot it's the same, unlike AIQ. Can't go wrong with pro for the Godzilla.

I still bought the premuim. Best toys in a pin for a long time.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2021
How are liking the older gen Godzilla theme?
To he honest when I first saw the release I was a bit sad to not have the modern Godzilla or a King Kong vs Godzilla pins with the latest and greatest clips.

But then I got to play the pin and the shots were fun and challenging and most of the call outs were fun. The older theme is growing on me and brings some quirkiness to the game. The baby Godzilla is hilarious and most people I had over to play it really enjoyed it even the ones that were too young to even have heard of the older Godzilla movies.

The art on the playfield is great, ZombieYeti is a master of what he does. The different modes with different cities really adds a lot of level of game play and it is only on .85 code which makes me look forward to all the stuff they will be adding.

So overall I think Stern has made a great pin and well balanced. I am still a beginner when it comes to skill level, but I still am able to progress which is encouraging for when I get a bit better.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Delhi Ontario
One if my buddies hated it.
Said the retro video really doesn't go with all the clean and flashy. Top flipper was clunky and seemed to do more harm than good.
I still have not played yet,
But I can see his point.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Top flipper was clunky and seemed to do more harm than good.
Really? I thought the top flipper was better than the top left one on Maiden. There's a good upper loop shot from it that you can repeat, and you can also get the ball down to the tail whip shot.

Retro video is fun, and it's neat that they had the option for Japanese voice clips as well. I'm sure there'll be a community update with new video at some point as well.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Just installed my Diddy Tesla Strike Mod last night on my game. It's tied to the flasher for the top middle spinner and pretty cool effect when you hit it. I'm a bit mixed on the 3rd tower on the back right because it sorta blocks the lit sign on the building. I might relocate it or sell to another friend who has a Godzilla :)



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Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Went to play one quick game last night, and ended up with a new GC:
I managed to beat all 4 tier 1 battles, but didn't get an opportunity for Planet X. One thing I wasn't sure of though-it's both ramps to light a battle, but what controls whether the tier 2 battle is lit at the scoop after that (in your 2nd+ city)? It seems like in city 1, change city is lit immediately after completing/timing out the mode, and in city 2, you can start a tier 2 monster immediately after beating the tier 1 monster, but is there something you have to do in 3 and 4 that are different? I'd beaten Ebirah in my 4th city, but the scoop wasn't lit for anything. Didn't see a way to qualify it.

Looks like more stats on IC now too. 1.7B isn't a stellar score as far as the top players go, but it's apparently in the 100th percentile?
