I've been asked about trades a few times and I realize it can be difficult to amass that much cash. So here is my stance on a trade:
While I'm not really looking for anything other than making space for my incoming games, given the production delays I could consider trading the Royal for a lesser valued game + cash as long is it comes out to about the same value. I am not interested in a 2 for 1 trade. I use Pinside sold prices of the last few months to kind of get an idea of relative value for trades. I'd consider something I could sell in a few months when my games do come in.
I am not a fan of older games anymore so no WPC stuff. I am also not a fan of incomplete games so no Stern Pros (this is my opinion on Pros which isn't necessarily shared by others). I am a topper man so games with toppers have a special place in my heart lol. The list is pretty limited but it is what it is.
Games I'd consider:
JJP: Wonka LE or CE, No for SE
CGC: MBLE or AFMLE (LEs because I love the toppers)
Stern (prem or LE): GZ, Rush, Met, Mando, GB, BM66, TWD. No other Sterns please and NO PROS!
Multimorphic: P3 platform (I would just change my Weird Al order to the game module only instead of the full package)
Spooky: None