• We have upgaded to the latest version of XenForum and the process finished without any errors!!!! Enjoy the new forum!

Ice, Ice (Storm), Baby!


Active Member
Nov 14, 2012
Scarborough, ON
After 63 powerless hours, we were restored just after 5 pm today.

Feeling badly for those who still don't have, including my good bud, Warlock. Pulling for you Scott!

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
No power loss here, and no damage to anything but the trees out front. Lots of branches down though, so it's a hell of a mess. Glad that the ones out back are still OK though-those are closer to the house, and hauling downed branches around to the front would have been a lot more work.

It's a good time to own a chainsaw, or have a neighbor with one.