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FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012


Super Member
Nov 18, 2012
Yes lots of fun . This was my game and everyone loved it except for Mr Becker . Who actually switched out the banana's for regular flippers for the Provincials in 2015 lol

Aunt Agnes

Nov 5, 2015
Kitchener, Ontario
@nics135 - I really wanted a Mousin' Around and tried to deal with this guy to no avail. He originally had it priced at $3200, dropped it to $2950, then $2900, and now $2500. He also when priced at $2900 said that it was only for sale until April 15th and after that it would be going into long term storage. Guess that didn't happen :D I emailed him trying to work with him on a price when he had it listed originally. He wanted he said 'Really close to 3000'. I told him I could come up, but not to that number and if he didn't get any other offers to let me know and we could try to work something out. I never heard from him again and ended up getting a nice Earthshaker from someone local and that I know and trust. Probably better in the end.

Funny story, he originally priced it a couple months or so back at ~$1600 and a buddy was the first to see the listing and called right away, but was told "My Dad won't let me sell it". He even offered $1800. After a few weeks he listed it again at $3200.

If you want to see some history of the machine/owner you can check out Pinside here:


He originally paid $1160 5 years ago and doesn't appear to have done much if anything to it, at least if the threads are any indication. He never even moved the battery holder off the board despite being advised to after encountering an issue with the battery holder on the board. I'm not saying that he should sell it for what he paid for it, or below what it's worth and understanding that prices have gone up but he seemed a bit unwilling to deal.

Maybe you'll have better luck than me.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2014
Orillia ontario
loves seeing that fore game. I do believe Dave Astill had it and sold it to Bruce Brigham for under 300... Bruce carried it for a bit then sold it to paul in barrie for 350. Paul stripped and painted it, had it working 100 % and had it on kijiji for 900 about a year ago. it got sold and is now 3995! If im slightly wrong on the earlier numbers its memory but im within $50 either way.