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Tron V1.7.1


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
I've read plenty on Pinside and elsewhere that Stern was at least working on an upgrade to Tron, but haven't heard much recently. Seeing as Stern themselves haven't updated their site, not likely much to discuss, but wondered if anyone had heard much lately?


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
I heard there was an unreleased code update that appeared on a Tron pin recently used in a show or competition, but it only had very minor changes.
Aside from that, I've only heard that Lyman is working on it on his own time. Nothing concrete.

The next big updates from Stern will be XM and TF around the holidays as far as I know. Maybe early 2013 we'll see soemthing for Tron, but I think the code is very complete as it is... unless you're hoping to see a video mode added?


Staff member
Nov 13, 2012
Yeah I started that whole thread on Pinside and I kinda regret it now lol. Basically what happened was, I bought a game (SST) from Mike Wiley, a long-time operator in Michigan and good personal friend of Lyman's. Mike mentioned to me that he had recently sold his Tron LE to Lyman because Lyman loves the game and really wants to tweak out the software and polish it up. Mike also mentioned that as far as Gary Stern is concerned, the code is complete and doesn't want to pay for any more revisions for it (a common theme for Gary once a game has sold out, sadly). Thankfully Lyman is as much a player as he is a creator and has been known to work on code in his spare time (ie. Spiderman).

SO. What does this mean?

This means that we hope to god Lyman will give us an update eventually that will, at the very least, fix the stupid Extra Ball problem with the code (the problem is, there is no extra frickin' ball!!!). I'm also hoping he unlocks the video mode that is rumoured to be hidden in the current code.

Oh and restore the "b-buh buh bu bum-bum bum! TRON!" vocal clip. :)


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
This means that we hope to god Lyman will give us an update eventually that will, at the very least, fix the stupid Extra Ball problem with the code (the problem is, there is no extra frickin' ball!!!). I'm also hoping he unlocks the video mode that is rumoured to be hidden in the current code.

Oh and restore the "b-buh buh bu bum-bum bum! TRON!" vocal clip. :)

Strange thing about the extra ball. I've owned my pro for maybe 6 months now and in that time I have seen maybe 1 or 2 extra balls total.
I finally got Ecurtz's fiber optic ramps all tweaked and set up nicely a few weeks ago and had my nephews over last weekend. Of course they wanted to play nothing but XM and Tron. One of the kids got 2 extra balls in the same game. Since that, in the last week or so, I have gotten maybe another 2 EBs in the span of about a dozen or so games. Very strange indeed... but I'm not complaining ;)