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Search results

  1. cuebert


    booooo.... but congrats? ;)
  2. cuebert

    WTB ColorDMD

    Looking for a reasonably priced colordmd lcd screen for my twd.
  3. cuebert

    FOUND Elvira HoH

    I hear you on all accounts. I put my name down for one should they ever actually run them on the line again..
  4. cuebert

    FOUND Elvira HoH

    There's always @luch 's https://pinside.com/pinball/market/classifieds/ad/123473
  5. cuebert

    FOUND MET pro

  6. cuebert

    FOUND MET pro

    Blomping this up...cuz I can. Also need a tilt Bob (just the weight)
  7. cuebert

    FS PIN2DMD replacement colour LED DMDs - regular size, small DE displays - large SEGA displays

    If they ever finish that TWD colonization, I'll be ordering one of these up...such a good option!
  8. cuebert

    FOUND MET pro

    link me? i can't find it
  9. cuebert

    FOUND MET pro

  10. cuebert

    SOLD Bally The Shadow

    definitely a gd pretty machine.. glws. Also, pinballjah is a great guy to deal with!
  11. cuebert

    SOLD Godzilla pro

    Pics, info..things like that?
  12. cuebert

    SOLD Godzilla pro

    How much?
  13. cuebert

    SOLD Godzilla Pro

    nice, congrats!
  14. cuebert

    SOLD Godzilla Pro

    Great, point me in that direction, I'd buy one tomorrow at that price ;) hehehe In all seriousness, exchange always plays a part...the market is weird, stock is low... uggggh.
  15. cuebert

    SOLD Godzilla Pro

    8995 +tax w/ insider connect...this is the pricing they'll be moving to in the new year, starts with godzilla now... Roughly anyway
  16. cuebert

    FOUND MET pro

  17. cuebert

    FOUND MET pro

    As the title says...would like to try a MET. Hmu in dm