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Search results

  1. Rascal

    WTB South Park Pinball

    Bump for the elusive Canadian South Park pin. I am trying to resist dealing across the boarder because its a major headache and really hoping someone is ready to release one from their collection in Canada. Damn if there isn't 3 or 4 for sale in the US on Pinside but such a hassle to ship. Top...
  2. Rascal

    WTB South Park Pinball

    Top dollar bump for anyone wanting to part with their South Park.
  3. Rascal

    SOLD Pinball Refinery MET Prem - not for trade/sale

    I love that skull hammer, was that also Pinball refinery mod? The purple powder coat really works on the premium. You may regret selling this one. She is a beauty.
  4. Rascal

    WTB The Simpsons DATA EAST 1990

    You would be lucky to find an old beat up EM for $1100. Expect to pay up to 3k for Simpsons.
  5. Rascal

    WTB House of the Dead 3 Gun Game

    Thanks for the heads up but it is now sold. I would sooner pay more for a non-project, fully working unit. Projects seem to get put on the back burner, forever in some cases.
  6. Rascal

    WTB House of the Dead 3 Gun Game

    Hello, thanks. Is that a facebook group? Link? I was not aware of this club.
  7. Rascal

    WTB House of the Dead 3 Gun Game

    As the title says, looking for House of the Dead 3 arcade gun game. I would also consider the older versions if nothing comes up with version 3.
  8. Rascal

    WTB South Park Pinball

    Still looking for a South Park pinball if anyone is looking to change up their line up. Shoot me your offer and hopefully we can do business. Price dependent on condition.
  9. Rascal

    Other Than Pinball Collections

    You can't go wrong with signs and advertisements and displays. All great collectibles.
  10. Rascal

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    Looks like a Centaur, Atlantis, Lost World, GOTG, Iron Maiden, Munsters, Police Force, Skateball, and beer.
  11. Rascal

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    Hey bud if you go to Propeller brewery now they have a good line up. I don't get a chance to go there yet but I have talk with some of the guys involved that have put their pins there.
  12. Rascal


    Very nice row of pin.
  13. Rascal

    SOLD TWD Pre 9K

    .Somebody bought a great pin at a great price.
  14. Rascal

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    LOL Kijiji is filled with Pinball machine wanted ads, there are almost more wanted ads that offered for sale ads. Why don't they buy some of the pins being offered already? I always wondered if they get many reply's from people and how do people decide which wanted ad will pay out the best or...
  15. Rascal

    Black Knight Sword of Rage Pinball Teaser Trailer!

    Looks to be a vast improvement over the two previous versions. Even the Pro version without upper playfield still looks very nice.
  16. Rascal

    SOLD TWD Pro $7,500 with Color DMD ($7,050 without)

    Bump for a great deal on killin' zombies.
  17. Rascal

    SOLD TWD Pre 9K

    Bump for an awesome pin.
  18. Rascal

    Pinball Skeleton

    Made a simple video for fun
  19. Rascal

    WTB Wheel of Fortune

    That depends on how bad you want it. There are very few of these on the market.
  20. Rascal

    WTB Wheel of Fortune

    That's a fine Super Mario Bros in the price range you'r working with. Go get her.