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Search results

  1. Damien

    Where can one go to play new Stern games?

    Sounds awesome. Where can I find a list of dates for the events? Also, is it open to anyone?
  2. Damien

    Where can one go to play new Stern games?

    I'm in the east side of the GTA, and wondering if there is anywhere within an hour drive that I can go to if I wanted to try out some of the new Stern games like Walking Dead, Ghostbusters, Metallica, Game of Thrones, Tron, etc.. I'm planning to purchase a machine in the very near future, so I...
  3. Damien

    WTB Tron Pro and Metallica Pro

    Looking to purchase either of these machines. Preferably, non-modified stock machines. I'm located in the GTA. Get in touch if you are interested.