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Search results

  1. Fifty

    Dr@No's fun filled (and often long-winded) restorations

    It looks great Drano. You have some extreme patience with masking. I love Seawitch. Such a fun game.
  2. Fifty

    Anyone in the North York Area?

    That could check this out and possible buy this for me? https://www.kijiji.ca/v-view-details.html?adId=1287967297&requestSource=b I can make arrangements with the Seller and EFT the $$$ to anyone that is willing to check it out for me. It would be preferable if it was someone with a basic...
  3. Fifty

    Total Nuclear Annihilation production by Spooky Pinball

    Tough room. Have either of you even watched the gameplay? The lightshow will blow your mind.
  4. Fifty

    Total Nuclear Annihilation production by Spooky Pinball

    Man I'm digging this machine.
  5. Fifty

    CBC News: Virtual reality arcades on the rise

    Why would they paint the walls chroma green? There is no green screen application here.
  6. Fifty

    The mini SNES Classic launches in September for $80

    Awesome, another limited run console I can buy for reasonably-inflated prices off a re-seller. I'm guessing production will stop once the red glow from the brake lights is no longer visible on the transport trailer driving out of the Nintendo warehouse.
  7. Fifty

    SDTM - Exclusive Houdini Gameplay Video

    The sound is fantastic. Those tight shots on the right are excellent as well.
  8. Fifty

    How/Why is pinball so popular now?

    A lot of 40 year olds remember those 20 year old pins. Now they have disposable income and 20 year old children. They buy one pinball machine and play it with their 20 year old kid. 20 year old kid likes it buys another pin. It's the circle of life.
  9. Fifty

    Dr@No's fun filled (and often long-winded) restorations

    It looks wonderful Drano. I'm looking forward to new Batman pics. Yes, you should post in this thread more often.
  10. Fifty

    Favourite Feature

    Flippers. ;) But I love drops. Games like WPT I'm in heaven playing. I really like tight shots too though. The x2 RIOT shot on TWD is one of my favourites.
  11. Fifty

    Other Than Pinball Collections

    Serious? I was just given an old Spartan 5141 and was going to dedicate some time to restoring it. Good to know someone on the forum might have parts and knowledge. :) It doesn't look nearly as good as the one in the picture I'm attaching. Hopefully I'll get it to this point sometime.
  12. Fifty

    Built my first pin2DMD!

    This sounds like something right up my alley. I like electronic projects like this.
  13. Fifty

    Built my first pin2DMD!

  14. Fifty

    Where can I buy solder?

    Digikey. $8 shipping and it'll be on your doorstep the next day. https://www.digikey.ca/product-detail/en/multicore/389261/82-105-ND/2498903
  15. Fifty

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    $3500 for F-14 is fucking ludicrous.
  16. Fifty

    tech: Strange behaviour from WPC game (Creech)

    Ha! Thanks. Occasionally I pull a decent idea out of my ass. :)
  17. Fifty

    tech: Strange behaviour from WPC game (Creech)

    I would disconnect the mod first to eliminate it as the cause of your problems.
  18. Fifty

    Dr@No's fun filled (and often long-winded) restorations

    Wow, the white paint on the PF really pops! I really need to get some of that Bleche Wite.
  19. Fifty

    stern's next band pinball

    Five Finger Death Punch would be nice. If not I'll take a Def Leppard pin. Early stuff, not that late shit.
  20. Fifty

    Flippers & Balls

    Not a fan of these ones, but thank you for posting.