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Search results

  1. Hammerhead

    FOUND Q*bert's Quest

    Another bump
  2. Hammerhead

    SOLD Bally Sente Gimme A Break kit

    I'm converting a Galaga back to a Galaga and have a Gimme a Break kit for sale. I was not working, powered up, lights on the CP and picture on the screen but game did not respond to coin up and garbage on the screen. No idea what the issue is. - populated control panel - sound board - main PCB...
  3. Hammerhead

    Canadian Public Pinball Tracker

    Do they still have ghostbusters?
  4. Hammerhead

    FOUND Willy Wonka

  5. Hammerhead

    SOLD Mandalorian LE, HUO Mint, low plays

    Already selling for $14.5K USD on the second hand market
  6. Hammerhead

    Iron Maiden Pro vs Premium

    Yes it has the sarcophagus lock which is cool and I definitely prefer the up-down ramp on the premium versus the standard ramp on the pro. The big sell for me was the artwork. I'm the opposite to Chris, I think by far the premium artwork is the best of the three versions with the Powerslave...
  7. Hammerhead

    Iron Maiden Pro vs Premium

    I’ve played both and bought the premium. Is it worth an extra $2500 ? Probably not but I still like my premium
  8. Hammerhead

    WTB: Dedicated Mappy Cabinet

    Bump to the top
  9. Hammerhead

    FOUND Q*bert's Quest

    Bump, still looking
  10. Hammerhead


    My money’s safe.
  11. Hammerhead

    FT lord of the rings for low play tspp

    What's your cash price if you were to sell outright?
  12. Hammerhead

    WTB: Dedicated Mappy Cabinet

    I'm looking for an empty Mappy cabinet for a cabinet swap. Let me know what you have. Steve
  13. Hammerhead

    FOUND Willy Wonka

    What?! You don't have $21.5K laying around?
  14. Hammerhead

    Tilt London

    There are a lot of arcade games besides the pins, should be something there to keep your wife entertained for a half hour.
  15. Hammerhead

    FOUND Willy Wonka

    There's a CE available in QC https://www.kijiji.ca/v-jouets-jeux/ville-de-quebec/pinball-willy-wonka-ce/1582894982
  16. Hammerhead

    Tilt London

    Pins haven’t been there for a while
  17. Hammerhead

    Tilt London

    Don't bet on Pinballmap being 100% correct, I haven't updated those locations in over a year.
  18. Hammerhead

    Dialed In in the wild in the GTA

    Still there as of last Wednesday
  19. Hammerhead

    Steve Ritchie leaves Stern for JJP

  20. Hammerhead

    FOUND Q*bert's Quest

    Bump to the top