Wanting to trade my brand new out of the box Rush LE + cash for Godzilla LE. Only has 28 plays. I’m NOT wanting to sell it or trade for any other titles.
Please private message me if you’re wanting to make a deal.
Thank you I just sold it.
I have another Deadpool Premium with 242 plays but stock right out of the box. I’d be willing to sell it for $14,500 if you’re interested?
Thank you, we enjoy it as well. There’s a reason why it’s top 5 on Pinside, definitely a great game. I found those through a guy on Pinside a while back
Deadpool Premium with lots of extras and in excellent shape. Great looking machine with all the right add ons.
- Mirror Pinblades
- Under Cabinet Lighting
- Speaker Lighting
- Deadpool Speaker Cover
- Deadpool Shooter Rod
$15,000 Cad - Firm
Please Private Message me if interested.
Batman 66 Premium - Adam West Signature Edition with very low plays. Regular cleaned and well taken care of.
Please private message me if interested.
$16,000 - firm
Purchased at Player One, January 2021. Lows plays - perfect condition but a small scratch on lock bar shown in pic. Regularly cleaned and maintained. $15,000 Cad - firm
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