Been on there for a while. A lot of pins just sitting. I guess the difference of waiting and hoping and keep playing or drop the price and move it. Depends on everyone's situation. I didn't like the Mando pro personally.
Me personally I'm busy printing up a storm. No money in this but I'm having fun experimenting. Making everything from plunger plates, shooter lane protectors to speaker grill covers. Along with all of the on playfield items. And I'm not sharing stl files.
I have a scoop mod that slips over top of the metal tab for spooky ultraman and Halloween.
$10 plus shipping if anyone wants one.
It pretty well eliminates rejects.
Super easy to install.
Not a big deal but I always hate that I'm on a Canadian site and dealers still post in usd.
I get that the dollar fluctuates but you bout in at a certain exchange so list a price. Because I doubt if our dollar jumped to par it would still be listed in usd.
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