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Search results

  1. eh97ac

    SOLD 60-in-1 Cocktail

    I put this at work and no one plays....maybe because of the pins ;) Anyways, $500 if anyone wants it.
  2. eh97ac

    Bally Lost World Playfield Clearcoat

    Anyone thinking of spraying a cab should go for it. With Pimp stencils and Ironlka/Molotow it's as easy as pie. I did a Centaur cab over one weekend.
  3. eh97ac

    Bally Lost World Playfield Clearcoat

    Yup, once I finish spraying, I peel after 10 mins.....buttery smooth. Gotta say that I went a little heavy on the purple due to the Ironlak nozzle output. I had to wait almost 20 mins because it went on so heavy.
  4. eh97ac

    SOLD Space shuttle for sale Players condition.

    Time is money https://pinside.com/pinball/market/classifieds/ad/38292
  5. eh97ac

    SOLD Space shuttle for sale Players condition.

    Drano, I'm shocked that you aren't CNC'ing the test playfield.....shocked I say;)
  6. eh97ac

    Bally Lost World Playfield Clearcoat

    Adding to the PF thread. I have been intrigued by the new rattle can scene developing of late and thought I would give it a try. Sanded from 80 to 220, primed and then went to work with Molotow and Ironlak cans. The base yellow and detail red are from the Molotow line up and the purple from...
  7. eh97ac

    The OFFICIAL "Hey, I got a new machine" thread

    Fun weekend ahead.
  8. eh97ac

    New to pinball. Suggestions?

    Get out to some members houses (bring beer ;)), you'd be surprised how much the pins you remember aren't that great and pins you never heard of are awesome.
  9. eh97ac

    FOUND Classic Stern lockdown bar

    Looking for a lockdown bar for games from Meteor and on.
  10. eh97ac

    Dr.No and the STERN 'sisters'

    Side rails look nice!
  11. eh97ac

    General Things for Trade

    I need some tenderloin!
  12. eh97ac

    The Church of the Silverball open house and swap meet: sept 24th

  13. eh97ac

    SOLD NIB Vewlix L - $1650 (Brantford, ON)

    If stupidity ever kick in, post it on PinRev. ;)
  14. eh97ac

    SOLD NIB Vewlix L - $1650 (Brantford, ON)

    Now that you've gone through the process, are you going to order again?
  15. eh97ac

    SOLD 60-in-1 Cocktail

    I have a Midway/Ms Pac Man style cocktail machine with LCD screen. All new parts from Multicade.ca $750 or trade for a pin project
  16. eh97ac

    SOLD Ms Pac Man Cocktail

    Sold and gone
  17. eh97ac

    FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale

    Some sweet mods on that HS. My fav are the side cab modso_O
  18. eh97ac

    Dr.No and the STERN 'sisters'

    Where did you get the spinners from?