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Search results

  1. eh97ac

    What should I have on hand for my pins?

    Best $20 I ever spent
  2. eh97ac

    Introduce Yourself!

    A detailed location will help you search!
  3. eh97ac

    FS 8 pinballs

    Re: 20 pinballs for sale 5 gone already?
  4. eh97ac

    Wanted: 1982 - Bally coin door hinge and frame

    Isn't the hinge welded on the door?
  5. eh97ac

    Elektra Backglass

    Not cheap http://www.pinball-shop.de/product_info ... anguage=en
  6. eh97ac

    DESTINY on PS4

    Anybody playing? Need Fireteam of Vault of Glass
  7. eh97ac

    XPIN New Product: It's a 7volution!

    Pretty slick! Nice find Mike.
  8. eh97ac

    Any ISP recommendations (GTA)

    TekSavvy Cable, you won't have to change anything. If a tech bumps up your speed (or down) it will be a Rogers tech. Choose their DSL package and you get a Bell line with Bell techs. They are a reseller with fantastic prices and great customer service.... I have used them going on 6 years now...
  9. eh97ac

    Hobby Operator Log

    Still one of my favourite threads!
  10. eh97ac

    Lighting up Doctor Who Tardis

    Thanks and great news!
  11. eh97ac

    Lighting up Doctor Who Tardis

    With a little inspiration from http://www.pinballrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3103 and Mr.Wong's multiple lighting posts. I added a 3 led strip to the Tardis of the Dr Who I recently picked up. I chose to remove the entire socket+bulb that popped out the top and replace it with the blue 3...
  12. eh97ac

    [FOUND]: Doctor Who

    Re: WTB: Doctor Who Found!
  13. eh97ac

    Luckydogg's Bally Mystic

    http://www.maaca.org/memberlist.php?mod ... file&u=201
  14. eh97ac

    Anyone got an EZTV torrent site login?

    Not the answer you are looking for but if you take the time to configure this, its rocks with XBMC. + PLEX as my top layer, wife, parents and guests are all happy. http://sickbeard.com/
  15. eh97ac

    Luckydogg's Bally Mystic

    4) Mystic rubber kit Paterlock has the kit and he also sells the pop bumper caps. Discounted if you buy directly instead of his ebay store + he's in Canada 6) 9 x bally drop target ( I can't find ones for Mystic, probably just use blank white ones) PBR has the red explosion and is available in...
  16. eh97ac

    Luckydogg's Bally Mystic

    I replaced all my drop targets, I can send you some for free.
  17. eh97ac

    [FOUND]: Doctor Who

    Re: WTB: Doctor Who Cold feet
  18. eh97ac

    [FOUND]: Doctor Who

    Re: WTB: Doctor Who Plug pulled, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So close Still looking
  19. eh97ac

    [FOUND]: Doctor Who

    Re: WTB: Doctor Who Love that you are still on top of this Mike! Yes, working on a deal, should be done tonight and then need logistics too!