I was the 1st to view the add yesterday, 14 min after it was posted. As soon as I saw it, I told my buddy at work that won't last long. The price seems low. I bet it could sell at 6k so that price is a steal. Now it's at over 275 views and I bet he's got 100 replies already
Sorry for your loss. I just saw the news story that they found his body in the river. Hopefully this provides some closure and the healing can begin.
Best wishes for the future.
It doesn't take long to get the feel for your shots, I'm far from a professional player and I never feel lost as to where the ball comes from. Play it enough and it won't seem to big.
The left orbit is fixable and works fairly well in my game, next time I have the throne off I will remove the...
This is one of the games with rotating joysticks
I'd like a working pcb or cabinet. With or without joysticks is fine.
This is one of my nostalgia titles, so condition doesn't matter to me. I'll get it fixed
Ctv in Kitchener ran the story tonight on the 6 o'clock news. Hopefully he turns up soon. I'm keeping my eyes open while I work in Guelph, but that's only once a week.
Ya. I went to show my buddy the Zelda game and noticed that it was gone. Then I had to show him the video for tribute, because he didn't get the reference.
i came across this on the chive the out he day and love it. The best console game ever is being made into 3D and is playable in your browser. Only the first 3 levels so far but there's more to come.
My buddy loves Shaq attack. I don't mind it. The worst thing with it is that shot counter on the Playfield will eventually die and there's no replacement part available. Doesn't make the game unplayable just a little less cool
One of the largest problems that I've came across with the aimtrack is that window automatically determines mouse numbers. So as soon as one usb mouse is unplugged then the guns need to be re-calibrated. My cabinet has 2 guns, a spinner, a trackball. That's 4 "mice" devices to get confused with...
One of my next projects will be to build several MAME cabinets specific to each game style. One cab for gun games. One for vertical shooters (1942). One for trackball games (probably will use 2 trackballs to play pound for pound boxing). One with a spinner. One for fighters (2 player 6 buttons)...
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