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SOLD 1984 Tiger Rag by Bell Games 500-700 made NEW price $1800

Fleetwood mIkea

Active Member
Sep 13, 2017
Oh boy, such a fuss.

I appreciate the friendly advice offered by those present here on the forum. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t expect answers.

I don’t expect that a well known and presumably well respected member of this forum would go out of their way to deliberately mislead a person new to the world of pinball collecting and or playing.

I like the theming of this particular pin and also the somewhat quirky history of its manufacture. I think if I had anything to complain about it’s that the work on getting this pin back on its feet has already been done and that there’s not much for me to do but enjoy it. If it breaks down, I’ve got enough background in electronics as well as a pretty good mechanical aptitude.

I fully intend to go and inspect this pin and run it through its paces before I make a final decision. I have not been placed under any undue pressure to move on a purchase. Heck, I’ll even play a few other pins while I’m there just to see if some other style of pin better suits my needs.

Once again I thank those here for their advice, it has not fallen on deaf ears. I’m not sure where I read it but somewhere here or on Pinside someone was taking about buying and their advice was not to be insulting of the person selling the machine, unless they were way out as far as the price was concerned.

Thankfully my space is limited so I have to make a good decision or I’m stuck with it for a while.



Thom- I gotta say yours is the best attitude and most well balanced response I have seen here to date. You hit the nail on the head. It’s your money, your pin. Some of us buy for nostalgia ( I paid way to much for a TAF because it reminds me of cutting class to hang at the arcades on Yonge street), some buy for investment value and collectibility, but the best way to buy is just for fun. Who cares what others think? Play it, if it’s fun and you think it will last in a collection, buy it. If there’s something else that catches your eye, get that. If you try to sell and lose money, make it up on the next one. I consider the few hundred I might lose on a pin as ‘rent’. If I can play a pin for 6 months to a year whenever I want and as much as I want, and I end up losing $500, so be it. If there were any arcades left, I would have spent that playing the damn thing anyhow. If I break even or make a few bucks, it goes to the next collector anyhow when I get my next pin.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I try not to get too caught up in it. As they say: “Hey- it’s only pinball!”.
If you have any titles in mind I’m sure everyone here would be more than willing to help out. Play a few games, go to a few meets if you can, and pick something up that you can live with for a while. Most of all, enjoy! If I can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Oh yeah....and welcome!


Active Member
Jul 10, 2014
Orillia ontario
Just a friendly bump for this game seeing it came up again on kijiji i think for the 3rd or 4th time . its nice to see a few games on the first page or two when looking at pins rather than the plethora of wanted offering Cash ads that seem to inundate the search pinball on kijiji . This has been sitting in the bargain bin of rare games most desirable at 30% off of the original "Retail " price of $2900 CDN. You'll have ask the owner of this highly desirable due to its rareness that has been wallowing for over 4 months for sale if " retail" means whether HST is over and above that.