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27 People Dead, Mostly Children in Connecticut :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
I'll never understand why they're against gun control down there.

Cause gun control won't fix the problem, it's a society thing, guns are just as easy to get up here in Canada, even more so now that the long gun registry is gone, you just have to jump through a few more hoops.

I can walk into my local Le Baron, show my license and walk out with a Shotgun, and wack load of ammo today with no record other then my receipt.

It sucks that this stuff happens, but guns aren't the problem, people are.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2012
really sad and terrible news.
i have been following the story this morning and I think it is the worst shooting in US recent history.
the fact that they were mostly defenseless children makes me sick.

vengeance is totally right. any form of government control or regulation is rather useless.
everything is available on the black market, and if someone wants a gun, they will get it, legally or otherwise.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
Maybe if the media laid off on "end of the world" fantasies for next Friday, we might not be seeing so many of these whackos. I know that's a BS arguement, but it makes you wonder.
A few days ago a guy walked into a mall in Oregon and unloaded on a crown of shoppers. I wonder what other crazy shit is coming before the 21st?


Active Member
Nov 17, 2012
This is a horrible turn of events.

That said. Guns do not kill people, people kill people. in this case a sick twisted person who must have had some serious problems.

I for one think that MORE guns is the solution.

One must ask, how many children would be dead if the teachers were packing heat? the bus driver packin...the janitor packin.

How many people would be dead at the last Batman movie premiere if 50% of the people in the theater were also carrying a firearm??

Think of it this way... imagine you were there... you see it happening.... what can you do to STOP a mad man armed with a firearm?
Nothing unless you are armed yourself.

You would be totally helpless to stop a madman on a shooting rampage unless you were armed as well...bottom line.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2012
Scarborough, ON
Sure, and if the guy in the car you just cut off is packing, etc, etc.

I definitely don't think more guns is a good call. Then again, I'm biased in this regard - I have a pretty healthy fear of them in general. Way too much potential for damage, through malice or accident.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2012
brewmanager said:
Sure, and if the guy in the car you just cut off is packing

there would be a SHORT "learning curve" with stuff like this. I think road rage would go DOWN as you would realize that before you start to beak off at a guy who cut you off, or get out of your car to assault him/her that they just might be crazy enough to shoot you ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
I'm middle of the road.

I think Zack's idea is much to extreme.

People are morons in general and arming the populace does not sound like a good idea. I see more innocent people being hurt rather then less as a result. Simple reason being that like I said people are morons. Responsible gun owners understand that a firearm is something to be respected and that you are responsible for every single bullet that leaves the chamber of your firearm.

I doubt if the majority of the general populace were armed that they would take into consideration the ramifications of what they are doing every time they fired their gun. They wouldn't think about things like ricochets, or worrying about distance a bullet can travel, or making sure there is a safe backstop behind the target.

In the end I see more innocent people being hurt as a result of more people not thinking about what they are doing before they fire their gun.

My main point is this:

NOTHING will stop distributed and psychotic people for committing these terrible acts, and arming the general populace I think would have raised the death toll from people caught in the cross fire not lowered it, and gun control would not have inhibited these people from obtaining firearms or carrying out this attack in other ways. End of the day shitty things happen, and while we want to try and assign blame, the only person to blame are the people responsible, not the guns they used or their parents for not hugging them enough, but solely the individuals who carried out the action.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2012
Scarborough, ON
Pharoah007 said:
brewmanager said:
Sure, and if the guy in the car you just cut off is packing

there would be a SHORT "learning curve" with stuff like this. I think road rage would go DOWN as you would realize that before you start to beak off at a guy who cut you off, or get out of your car to assault him/her that they just might be crazy enough to shoot you ;)

So by your theory, we'll create a civil society through fear of being shot. Say your please and thank you's, cause the cashier might be packing.

Please tell me I'm not the only one appalled by that thought, smiley-face on the post or not.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2012
brewmanager said:
Pharoah007 said:
brewmanager said:
Sure, and if the guy in the car you just cut off is packing

there would be a SHORT "learning curve" with stuff like this. I think road rage would go DOWN as you would realize that before you start to beak off at a guy who cut you off, or get out of your car to assault him/her that they just might be crazy enough to shoot you ;)

So by your theory, we'll create a civil society through fear of being shot. Say your please and thank you's, cause the cashier might be packing.

Please tell me I'm not the only one appalled by that thought, smiley-face on the post or not.

Exactly what I am saying.

Great way to weed out all the idiots we have on this planet. We all see these idiots every day and we sit here and watch as they make our world a worse place to live and laws are passed to protect these idiots every day.

Yes good people would be lost in the process (via said idiots) but after the learning curve, people will have more respect for life and others.

Just my $0.02, not to say I am right or wrong....just my opinion.


Nov 17, 2012
IMO, this is a bigger issue than access to guns. More people get killed in school shootings in the US per year than any other first world country and by a big margin. The mentality of violence is ingrained in their culture. There is no easy answer. All this to say, 27 children are dead and again there are no answers.