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Anyone doing GPS for pinball machines?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Delhi Ontario
I would definitely buy a GPS kit for my machines.
Anyone have any suggestions to something I can run power to in my newer Stern.
Trackers keep getting smaller.
Seems like a solid mod that could provide some peace of mind to me and my insurance company.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2019
I’d be more worried about damage than outright theft. The average douchebag wouldn’t know how to get them out of the basement.


New Member
Nov 15, 2017
I would start with security camaras on the house first. We used to have deadbeats checking cars out monthly for unlocked doors.

Put the cameras in with them linked to my phone, I was usually calling the cops within 3 minutes that a deadbeat was going around the neighbourhood checking cars.

Then at 5am on boxing day 2020 (right as a snowstorm was ending) the turd face was doing his rounds. (fresh snow at an hour of the day that nobody was out). Called the cops within minutes. I also followed the fresh tracks that led directly back to his house (and the 30 or so cars he checked in driveways along the way). Turned out he was a property maintenance guy with a plow truck. He was plowing away by the time I walked there. The routine seemed to be checking out people's cars while the truck warms up. Gave the cops his address and the tracks to follow for proof.

I have concluded thieves are typically not very bright after seeing a guy leave tracks to his house in fresh snow. Ever since I gave the cops that guys address I haven't had a single hit on the cameras of someone checking out cars.

Considering it was a monthly routine for the first 6 or so months of having the cameras and then to absolutely nothing for 1.5 years. I'm guessing it's often one or two bad apples in any neighbourhood. They have a routine and stay close to home. Seeing them at work they are also chickens. They will hide any time even a car goes down the road and once they clue into cameras at a house, they will skip that house when doing their rounds.

Better to be in their faces with cameras than dealing with the aftermath of damaged doors and escaped pets and finding lost items with gps.