My Mata Hari lighting has starting acting up. Sometimes the lights are fine, but very frequently now the lights are not showing the correct values and some are flashing on and off.
For example the Same Player Shoots Again light in the back will come on and off, the 2X, 3X, 5X bonus lights on the field will all be on at the same time, the A and B lights won't get updated properly, etc. Basically all lights aren't showing correctly. The game itself still plays and is keeping track of the score and showing the score correctly, it's just the lights that don't make sense.
Suggestions on where I should start? I assume I should start with connections, any particular ones that are the frequent cause of this problem?
For example the Same Player Shoots Again light in the back will come on and off, the 2X, 3X, 5X bonus lights on the field will all be on at the same time, the A and B lights won't get updated properly, etc. Basically all lights aren't showing correctly. The game itself still plays and is keeping track of the score and showing the score correctly, it's just the lights that don't make sense.
Suggestions on where I should start? I assume I should start with connections, any particular ones that are the frequent cause of this problem?