Scott and I both attended the TOPL playoffs yesterday, hosted in Carlisle with a most impressive collection of about 60 machines, mostly DMD.
There were enough machines there that we hadn't played yet that we were able to try to finish off the challenge, provided I won the 4 games left I needed to.'s over. Took us a lot longer than we thought, due to mutually busy schedules. I actually thought it woud be replayfx before we did, but I managed to eke out the win.
I want to thank Scott - it's been a lot of fun with some really close games (10 PTs on an EM once) and the overall match score does not reflect the way the games went.
And of course, steak!!!!
Final standings, 50-30.
Here's how it went overall.
Pinball challenge
Melody Walt 3633, Scott 1456
Xenon Scott 93,180, Walt 55,500
High speed Walt
Oxo Walt
Swe1 Scott
Ij Scott
T3 Scott
Wpt Walt
Eatpm Walt
Vector Scott
Tftc Walt
Ngg Walt
Afm Walt
Mustang gtb Walt
D&d walt
Atlantis Bly Scott
Flash Gordon Walt
Abra ca Dabra Scott
Spanish eyes Walt
Strikes and spares Scott
Black knight Walt
Surf champ Scott
Phoenix Walt
Cirqus Voltaire Walt
Lotr Scott
Elektra Scott
Roadshow Walt
Acdc Walt
TSPP Scott
Jungle King Walt
Metallica Premium Walt
BSD Scott
Time fantasy Walt
F2k Walt
Joker poker Walt
Centaur II Walt
Mousing around Walt
Mars trek Scott
Monaco Scott
Whirlwind Walt
Cheetah walt
Robot Scott
Starlight Walt
Stargazer Walt
Funhouse walt
Whitewater walt
Totan Scott
Shadow Scott
Twilight zone Scott
Family guy walt
Iron man walt
Stle Scott
Wozle walt
Alien poker Scott
Medieval madness Scott
Mustang premium Scott
Judge dredd walt
F14 Scott
Lightning Scott
Grand lizard walt
Wcs94 walt
Taf Walt
Tom Scott
I500 Walt
Creech Walt
Jm Scott
Congo Walt
BOP 2.0 Walt
Jungle Queen Walt
Twd le Walt
Acdc premium Scott
Bop 1.0 Walt
Mustang LE Walt
Jacks Open Scott
Centigrade 37 Walt
Shadow Walt
Big Bang bar Walt
Hurricane Walt
T2 Walt
Cactus Canyon Scott
Guns n roses Walt