WInter may be coming, but first we have to get through spring, summer and fall Why not start with adding a great game to your collection!
Very nice example of a Game of Thrones LE (only 700 made). Comes with original Stern topper, COLORDMD, speaker lights, upgraded front/sub woofer speakers, side blades, lots of playfield mods, translucent/red rubbers, etc. Game in great condition. Located in Aurora in smoke-free home. PM if any questions. Thanks for looking.
Priced at $14k.
Very nice example of a Game of Thrones LE (only 700 made). Comes with original Stern topper, COLORDMD, speaker lights, upgraded front/sub woofer speakers, side blades, lots of playfield mods, translucent/red rubbers, etc. Game in great condition. Located in Aurora in smoke-free home. PM if any questions. Thanks for looking.
Priced at $14k.