I'm eyeing my first new in box pin, so I'm putting my GOT up for sale first. Bought from another pbrev member in June. Great game, play it daily, but my JP is sitting there all but ignored since this got here and I want to spend more time on JP before that goes and I pull the trigger on the new purchase so off GOT goes. It is in spectacular shape, HUO, comes with a shaker, custom battering ram and art blades. I'll grab some pictures this weekend. Only flaw is one dot out on the display.
I had intended on keeping this one a lot longer and actually picked up the official topper for it and will sell that too. $600 with the game and if it doesn't sell with the game will sell for $650.00. You can get it new from Nitro for ~$600USD after taxes and shipping.
I had intended on keeping this one a lot longer and actually picked up the official topper for it and will sell that too. $600 with the game and if it doesn't sell with the game will sell for $650.00. You can get it new from Nitro for ~$600USD after taxes and shipping.