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iScored: The Game Room Score Tracking App


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
pezpunk over on pinside has been working on this game room score tracking app and looks like it is officially available.


Game Room Score Tracker

What is it?

It's a a score tracking app for your game room, so you and your guests can record your best scores. See it in action:

As I mention in the video, I feel like pinball is more fun and more engaging when you have points of reference to compare your score against, whether it's the best score from the last time you played, or the best scores of your pals. I've used this app in my game room for several parties, and it has definitely increased in the level of engagement among non-pinheads and pinheads alike. Plus it's tons of fun to play around with the graphics and get the thing looking really cool! Some of my beta testers have done amazing things!

What Devices Does It Work With?

I designed it with a touchscreen in mind, but it also works fine with a keyboard and mouse. Ideally, it's at its most fabulous on a large touchscreen mounted on a wall.

But pretty much anything with a modern web browser will work -- Windows, Mac, Linux, various tablets running Android or iOS ... it even works on a Raspberry Pi 3 (although scrolling is a little bit choppy). See the FAQ ( https://iscored.info/index.php?target=faq.php ) for more info on supported devices. If your device has an up-to-date version of Chrome, Chromium, Safari, Firefox, Edge, or IE 11+, then you should be fine.

Does it come with all those images for all those games?
No, users are responsible for supplying their own images. There are, however, a plethora of customization options! You can upload your own images, choose from dozens of built in fonts, apply custom style presets, and even directly modify the CSS code that determines how each game is displayed.

Simple Options:

Totally Optional Advanced Options:

If iScored is successful, one of the first additional features I want to add is the ability for users to share their custom game styles with each other! For now, I know the beta testers have been sharing their work with each other through Pinside and Dropbox.

I've tried to make the software flexible so that it works on a wide variety of setups. Here's a peek at the options screen:


Ok, Ok How Much?
Lifetime access, unlimited games, unlimited scores is $19.95. No monthly fees. No ads. No restrictions.

Sweet, When Will It Be Ready?
The site is operational. You should be able to sign up and get started right now!


(PS - If you're interested in reading about the idea from its very first prototype through its early stages of development, and seeing lots of images and screenshots from beta testers, you can visit the original topic here:https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/my-custom-gameroom-high-score-app )


Active Member
Apr 22, 2014
Ottawa, Ontario
I'm was in the beta for the web app. It's very versatile and he plans to add quite a few more features to it. He's been very active in getting it launched and has communicated well with all the testers. I plan to purchase it as my kids love seeing their initials up on the screen and it'll be great for parties.