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JPOP tweet


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
JPOP apparently tweeted this pic and unloaded these at Expo


Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Wow, those look pretty substantial for foamcore prototypes :)

Seriously though, it'll be amazing if this is actually showing off a completed magic girl. I don't think they've started building the production games yet, but it'll be great to finally see what he's been working on all this time.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
It's not just you :(

For someone so keen on being unique and starting from a clean slate, he sure is going deep into previously charted territory with his main character.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
Posted by JPOP last night to MG owners blog:

Morning, Up early today getting ready for a busy one at that. This email just came in and amazingly I think I got out a good response to Jim one of my owners at 3am. Reposted here, for no other reason as to repost, as he asked for some status and confidence. The photo above is using the Olloclip to grab Magic Girl as we complete the proto build. We will put in RGBs next week and I have many updates also.

Hi Jim,
The month before expo has been hectic and we have been working very
hard to get as much complete and then do a nice update reveal for owners.
The workshop was laid out nicely in all the areas, as I gave a tour, and people
who could not make it asked for a photo “tour” of sorts in the blogs. I will do this
during the week. Days fly by unfortunately.
People forget that i am doing this only for the community and to make a type of
narrow body pinball that is not being made today. Do I know everything or have
all the answers, absolutely not. Bit I know how to make pinball and that is what
we are all paying for. I had many people who visited, later call to say they will
cancel their Hobbit order (or did cancel) if I can get them a MG.
We did have a much more completed RAZA whitewood for expo, but we did not
take anything as I do not do a booth and I do not show whitewoods other than to
the owners. The MG protos are almost done. That is how I work as I like to show
my best. Taking 2 of the complete Raza cabinets, for my talk, was fine as they are
simply fantastic and spare no expense in detail or quality. These cabinets are far
better than anything we ever made at WMS. This same level of pinball is in the rest
of the design, artwork and play fields.
Obviously I hold my owners in the highest regard, and yes sometimes my words
come out not with the intent I have on the blog. That’s why I work hard and stay quiet, as I am focused on pinball making and not too chatty. I have learned the process is not as important as the final product, which must be solid. Also I can not make “all” owners happy in all what I do or share. It’s impossible as i remind people I am not curing cancer but making a game.
Also any owner can come anytime to visit me and see what are are doing. Our studio
is simply unlike anything else and we are organized and have plenty of room for
building games. As we are now. I have many owners who just “show up” and bang
at the door. No one is ever refused and I hide nothing as I love the feedback.
But I will say we are at a critical part of the journey and I have to work even harder
than I do now and get some hard dates inline. The games I have created are simply
my best work, and I am almost over the hump of blank sheet to complete pinball
platform in the Jpop style. It makes me happy, but unfortunately not everyone. So I
have a lot to prove still.
To make great pinball it takes a lot of hours. 7 days a week. I am always at the shop
as details abound. And actually the more I get “put to the fire” from owners the harder I want to work and not let anyone down. This is my 33rd year in pinball after starting at Bally in 1981, and creating Zidware, named after my kids, and making these custom games have been the hardest thing I have done and most rewarding. Both games MG and RAZA are stunning and full of innovation.
Also (sorry to ramble) this has definitely taken a lot longer then I ever planned, but
i did not know what I did not know, and can’t go back. The first year of starting
actually was planning and not really accomplishing much. So most of the work now
was done in the last 1.5-2 years which I am amazed at.
But there is much to do in the months ahead as I have to keep people onboard and
still wanting to support my work. The “Labowski” effect worked and I have to do the
same level of reveal. My team is simply great as a mix of new young artists and
designers, along with many industry vets like Rob Berry and Dave Zabriskie who
are doing music and sounds. I purposely keep that part quiet so they are not lured
away as I have spent the last 2 years directing them for my new pinball style. Pinball
unfortunately is a “cut-throat” business for those behind the curtain. I have been
threatened, stolen from and otherwise been hindered at many junctures from others
in the business. My lawyer and I are amazed. We have 4 beautiful patents to cover
new pinball lighting, cabinet design and interactive lcd play.
Magic Girl art (Raza too) is just not like anything ever. Very beautiful and detailed. I
went around expo and looked at my “competition” in boutique and was not impressed at all at any of it. Labowski was the only great game there.
I am pretty beat so this week was catch up week, do some nice updates, and we did
have 45 or so visitors to the studio which I was at much more than expo. The Big
Labowski showed us all a lot as people like to see this level of “reveal” as early as
possible, even though the game was basically functioning and has minimal code. And
yes I always ask folks to call anytime to talk about these projects.
It is early here 3am, I have a busy day ahead and much planning and photography to
do. Will call you today at some time and i always ask people if they want to get more
involved in helping me grow and sustain the business to get involved. You are more than welcome to repost to Pinside as this is where we are.


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May 12, 2013
DRANO said:
People forget that i am doing this only for the community and to make a type of
narrow body pinball that is not being made today.

"A type of narrow body pinball" ??? Are these games smaller then a regular cabinet? And by how much? ....I had no idea, hopefully their larger then "the pin"


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
I think he's referring to a standard sized cab since most new boutique games seem to prefer the wide body format.

The man knows his pinball.... and he also knows the most wide body pins play like junk.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2012
I was at the seminar and it was basically a glorified sales pitch.

" Since I am only making x games, I can customize them for YOU. Want your dog drawn into the artwork? I can do that. "

Seeing the cabinets outside the room under wraps really had me interested.
Until the big reveal ... TA DA ... NOTHING !
