I’m looking for a now obsolete capacitor for a coin operated project.
The capacitor is used in a circuit that momentarily energizes a 100 Vac coil.
The capacitor originally used was 0.1uF 600 WV polarized.
Looking for a replacement capacitor with similar values: in the ball park of <1 uF with 600+ voltage rating.
I’ve tried a non polarized capacitor but it does not work due to the logic / circuit design.
I’ve looked on digikey, mouser… no luck. Some on eBay for unreasonable shipping cost.
Hoping someone in the Ottawa area is willing to share their stash of electronic components…
The capacitor is used in a circuit that momentarily energizes a 100 Vac coil.
The capacitor originally used was 0.1uF 600 WV polarized.
Looking for a replacement capacitor with similar values: in the ball park of <1 uF with 600+ voltage rating.
I’ve tried a non polarized capacitor but it does not work due to the logic / circuit design.
I’ve looked on digikey, mouser… no luck. Some on eBay for unreasonable shipping cost.
Hoping someone in the Ottawa area is willing to share their stash of electronic components…
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