I have had this idea of covering up the factory aprons for some time now. The look of the original aprons don't even match the pinball machine they are attached to in most cases. I have a friend who is a professional artist. She generally does artwork for comics and such but she was willing to help me out with these apron designs. All artwork is original and printed on high quality magnets. We have quite a few other designs in the works that will be revealed in coming days and weeks. Thanks for looking.
pinside ongoing magnet apron mod thread:
NinJaBooT's (aka Bill) pinside profile page:
I've been following this thread on pinside by NinJaBoot out in AB in regards to these new magnet apron mods he has been working on with an artist. I just thought I would share here in case you aren't on pinside and priced reasonable for $50usd too compared to other apron mods/replacements I've seen from other vendors.
Here are some magnet aprons he is currently working on or finished: