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Multicade game title availability


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Delhi Ontario
I have seen a number of cocktail multicade machines for sale but I am always not happy with the selection of titles installed (who needs 4 versions of pac man, etc.). Just wondering how difficult it is to have different titles installed on a machine. sure there's only limited memory space but is that why they are putting all these versions of the same game on? (do they share some space as the basic game is the same?) I'm sure that something like dragons lair and space ace would eat up a whole lot of memory, and why install robotron if the multicade doesn't have 2 joysticks, but come on I never see the games I was playing in the arcade back in the day like heavy barrel, black tiger, ghost and goblins and exciting hour, probably WWF would be a stretch as it could be up to 4 players and gauntlet would be similar. Who knows maybe there's some copyright issues.

Also, why not just modify a Namco arcade classics wireless with more memory. Now that's an idea. A multicade under $100
Just looking for a multicade builders input as the title selection tends to come up short for me.


May 12, 2013
I think most multicade machines are just generic 60 in 1 preprogrammed boards. The licenses on these games are all legal (at least I think) so they are bundled together however the manufacture has it arranged. Usually they are fairly popular games from the 80's so the licence should be pretty cheap.

The next step is a Multi Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME). this is pretty limitless, you can get virtually every game up to the 2000's many builders go all out and include trackballs, lightguns, and spinners in their builds to play every style of game. The game licences are not as legitimate, I think there free to use as personal hobbiests, but trying to sell them could get you in some hot water, although there are places online to purchase fully loaded hard drives with thousands of games on them. The problem with MAME machines is the price, a good quality machine would cost at least $1000 and could easily pass 2 grand if you start adding in options.

I do build custom machines if your interested.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Almonte, Ontario
In fairness, you can pick up an old arcade machine with 4 buttons for under 200 bucks, buy a jamma to usb harness for 40 bucks and find an old xp machine to put in it. you can have a fully functional multicade with mame for under 300 bucks after shipping and little toys ... once you do that you can keep adding and adding as you like. There is a ton of software out there, a lot free, some paid, I use a paid front end that I love, and it will filter out duplicates automatically for you, group games etc.

You could also do what I did, you put MAME and http://www.gameex.com/ on a laptop with a PS3 controller attached to it, plug it into your TV via HDMI and you have a poor mans multicade to start...



May 12, 2013
I just did a quick scan through kijiji (all Ontario) and you'd be hard pressed to find anything for less then $500. $750 before there's anything that I'd want to look at in my house. It is true that if you have an old xp computer laying around then you can save cash by using that. But for the unfortunate rest of us, a computer purchase would be required. I might be crazy, but I also like to install windows fresh on any used pc that I buy from a random internet person, so windows would be needed for me. I also feel that a 4 button game is a pretty half assed attempt at an arcade. Without street fighter the machine is sub-par to me, and unless your looking for a pacman and 1942 player I feel that more would be required.

But if you hunt around and do everything yourself, you should be able to build something fairly cheap; relative to the final product that your expecting. New parts from playdium are not cheap, a good trackball, spinner and lightgun will set you back $100 each.

I guess it boils down to personal preference.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Almonte, Ontario
I think it is fair to say if someone wants to build a quality mame box on their down, they can do it for less then 500 bucks, and enjoy the journey, otherwise there are a ton of people on maaca and pbr selling all forms of kits, yourself selling full solutions, and other people selling just wooden boxes. I was trying to let the guy know there are many options out there, sorry if I offended you.