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my first virtual pin


New Member
Oct 29, 2014
niagara falls
Hello everyone.

Here is some info on my build.
I am considering this my trial build so I can make a second table from a full size cabinet
This one was made from a 1977 wico big top home use machine which was about 2/3rds the size of a full table.
I used a 37 inch screen for the playfield and a 20 inch for the back glass
The Flipper buttons along with the leaf switches were left in to provide a better feel. I also stacked a second set of leaf switches and powered a set of wico flipper selenoids which I found add realistic feel and sound to the tables.

The pc is a quad core with 6 gigs of ram and 1 gig NVidia video card.

I have hooked up the Kinect to give me head and body tracking and have found it adds a ton of depth and a cool perspective when looking around the table. how ever I haven't decided if I am going to keep it yet.

Questions I have ......

Has any one used LED WIZ and how does it add to the tables?
Is a tilt sensor really needed?
It there a way to hook up some bumpers and so on under the table to give more realistic sounds?

Also I don't mind and ideas hints and questions. I am trying to learn and help here.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

http://s1368.photobucket.com/user/Pinba ... ry/PINBALL


May 12, 2013
Check out zebsboards.com He's on PBRev and makes a great board that boosts the output of a led wiz so that you can connect solenoids that shake the table and give more realistic sounds. I haven't got my led wiz working yet, the software is not straight forward for a noob like me and I put it on hold. I like the idea of having the feedback through flashers, a replay knocker and contactors but haven't got there yet.

The tilt sensor is great if you incorperate an analogue plunger/nudge unit. Then you can shake the table to move the ball, and just like a real table it tells you when your to rough.