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Need help with 1977 gottlieb bronco please

Jamie Huckins

New Member
Sep 6, 2018
saint john new brunswick canada
I picked up 1977 bronco pinball i cleaned it all up checked contacts went over all of it
and I have everything pretty much working perfect the only thing I cannot figure out is why I cannot get it to add players.
If I reach in I can manually add the players by pushing the lever and it plays all 4 players perfect just will not add them with the start/reset button it just keeps reseting player 1
nothing is seized the solenoid powers I cant figure this out FRUSTRTAED

any advice is greatly appreciated


Active Member
Apr 27, 2013
Ottawa, ON
I assume that there are enough credits on the Credit Unit in the head, or that its contacts are 'adjusted' to make the machine free-play (e.g. contacts still closed even at 0 credit position).

1- Ensure the Coin unit in the cabinet ratchets nicely and easily mechanically from default reset 1-player, to 2, 3 and 4-player steps (no need to have the machine plugged-in to check this).

2- Confirm the switch at the back of the Coin Unit is closed on positions for 1, 2 or 3-Player game, and only goes open at its last step, for a 4-player game.

3- Make sure the 1st Ball Relay stays inactive at game start, e.g. no points scored for player-1.

4- Carefully check the gapping and if necessary, flexstone the contacts for the AX interlock relay.

5- Check the contacts gapping and if necessary, flexstone the contacts of the Start Relay, along with contacts on the 1st Ball relay (especially check the Normally Closed contacts on that one).

6- Check contacts 4C on the score motor.

Let us know what you might find, if you resolve the issue.

Good luck!

Jamie Huckins

New Member
Sep 6, 2018
saint john new brunswick canada
so I looked at all these and seem ok from what I see
but one part does seem odd to me on the coin unit
one of the contacts seems to work the way it should
The one that adds the players has continuity when its closed and also when its open ?
is this correct ?
Also i noticed when i do contact them it lights up a number 20 on top of the score board whats the 20 for?


Active Member
Apr 27, 2013
Ottawa, ON
Some contacts in EM pinballs will still measure continuity even when opened, due to the connected circuit to the switch that acts as a parallel circuit. Or if there is a solder splash on the stack!

There is/are certainly at least one misadjusted or dirty contact somewhere that causes the inability to add players after game reset.
Check the U relay contacts, and carefully check for proper switch adjustments for all the interlock relays (AX, BX, etc.).

Also check those sites for help:

The '20' lit on the score board appears to be a match number (00, 10, 20, 30, …, 90).
Basically this is to award a free replay at end of game if a player's score 10 digits ends with the same number lit (20 in your case).

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