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FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale


Active Member
Jul 10, 2014
Orillia ontario
I was at the dudes house ready to pick it up when he said he was getting bids as high as $1000, so I walked away

The head was snapped off the body and non working with I'm betting a mess of acid damage on the MPU since he said they had it for like 20 years and never ever opened the head.

No way I'm going over $1000 for a game in that kind of shape, considering my only motivation is to make it playable so I can play it, no interest in trying to flip it for more which is what I assume who ever got it will do.
you actually were there and then he was changing his mind on agreed price? that just sucks. before i even travel i always tell them im coming and make sure it is available to me when i get there. i know a friend had called about this one within 5 minutes and the guy said it was sold to a "brad"?

Anyways, i did just that the other day for that "Hot Shot" listed for 720... he gave me his assurance it be there.. i went down and took a look... was in the house for 10 minutes. offered him 600 in my opinion was fair as most of the playfield was mylared cab was in not the best and some scoring issues. he was down to 660 and his email was ringing off the hook. so i said id go out to the van and think about it. Well if i didnt have two freaking parking tickets of $140 on my van! House was dark when i pulled up and this firehydrant was behind the hedges. i called him back and said never mind.. an omen.

Anyways to make a short story long. this happens a lot .. a machine gets put on kijiji and they get a ton of emails.. same thing happens when i put one up.. but very seldom do these people show either. However the seller all of a sudden thinks he has a TZ or a mermaids and it just ruins it for both parties. ive gone a couple times for machines and when i get there the owner is saying hes getting all kinds of offers but i remind him its one thing to get offers and another to show up


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Ironman Classic - $4500 - Vaughan

Just a heads up before anyone gets too excited over this listing to keep in mind this is the "Classic" version aka Costco Edition of Ironman.

The differences between a Class and the Pro/Vault Edition are:

- pcb boards are mounted in bottom of the cabinet
- doesn't have the two magnets
- cabinet is made of press board and artwork is a bit different
- coin door has no chutes/mechanisms and just a flat plate
- kicker removed from War Machine
- whiplash toy removed
- missing some flasher dome lights
- FREE PLAY only so can't be put on route
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Oct 2, 2013
Ironman Classic - $4500 - Vaughan

Just a heads up before anyone gets too excited over this listing to keep in mind this is the "Classic" version aka Costco Edition of Ironman.

The differences between a Class and the Pro/Vault Edition are:

- pcb boards are mounted in bottom of the cabinet
- doesn't have the two magnets
- cabinet is made of press board and artwork is a bit different
- coin door has no chutes/mechanisms and just a flat plate
- kicker removed from War Machine
- whiplash toy removed
- missing some flasher dome lights
- FREE PLAY only so can't be put on route
Thank you for the warning, i inquired and was trying to figure out hiw it was still for sale in his market, had no idea about the differences, you saved me shipping costs and some disappointment when i figured it out.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
Wongneau... (My brother's choice) But: why bother posting anymore here?
It is all now an "ebay" style bidding and the "collector's" now say: "no thanks".

I am referring to collector's who care in a forum and community though.
And then; seller's who want an auction for the highest $ prevails. Many of us will pass.
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Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
I pass on the auction.
I pass on the principle of it.

We all want machines. There is that, true. Fight each other for them? No thanks.
I won't bid ever again though. Or even try.

Thanks Mike.
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Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Wongneau... (My brother's choice) But: why bother posting anymore here?

Here is why:

Thank you for the warning, i inquired and was trying to figure out hiw it was still for sale in his market, had no idea about the differences, you saved me shipping costs and some disappointment when i figured it out.

A few years back someone on the forums had contacted to help them find an Ironman pinball because he had heard I was pretty resourceful when it came to helping people find pins. Well a few weeks went by and there was an Ironman listed on kijiji but the seller failed to mention it was a Classic. This person didn't know any better and jumped on it because he thought he was getting a good deal. The going rate for an Ironman Pro at the time was ~$4300-4500. He thought he scored and got a nice example for $4000. He was pretty bummed when I pointed out it was a Classic and not sure what he did with the machine afterwards.

I had heard some local person (with a very big mouth) was telling others how I used this thread to manipulate the market to suit my needs. I will admit that if a good deal or a game pops up on kijiji that a close friend has been after I will give him the heads up first before posting on here. I usually wait to hear back from my friend to say he is passing before I post in this thread because why would I want to draw more attraction to the listing and decrease his chances of getting it. It's pretty cut throat these days because even if you are first to respond to a pinball listing on kijiji it can still be snaked from you because someone else is able to drop whatever it is they are doing and leave work to beat you to the machine or worse offer more money.

kijiji is public information and not exclusive for my eyes only and anybody can type in the word "pinball" to see what is currently for sale. I fail to see how I am able to control or manipulate the situation. This is why I stopped posting here for a few weeks to sort of take a break

There also haven't been too many "good deals" these days and for the odd exceptional deal you best have your car warmed up and running to pounce on it ASAP. For the average, over priced or less desirable games even if I don't mention the listing here in the morning, chances are the game will still be available in the afternoon or next day when I get a chance to update this thread anyways.


Aug 6, 2013
This thread has been one of the most useful one when I started collecting Pinball.
It is very hard for a noob to gauge the market and comments like the one for the IM are precious when you don't really know anything about these machines. For me the ""Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale" is an asset for the community. Especially for the people that are not close to the usual Pinball Lord.
The nice machines are usually sold from one collector to the other from word of mouth and if your are not part of the group of friends (like me) Kijiji is unfortunately one of the only place to find a pinball machine.
I never had any problem selling my games on both Canadian forums but unfortunately never been successful in my many WTB thread attemp..
At the end of the day, we all share the same passion...
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Active Member
Sep 20, 2015
nova scotia, canada
Guys in Ontario are lucky they have accessibility and availability to machines. You should check the Maritime provinces and see how dead the market is down here. There is nothing for sale and the odd time one comes up "local" it is gone in a flash. I only wish I could buy some of the examples listed in Ontario. I tried to get DE Simpsons from guy in Ontario and he wanted to sell local only even after I offered many more hundreds on top of the price. He was not interested in being involved in shipping and all he had to do was wrap it up and I would arrange the shipping and pick up. Disappointment to be had.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
Guys in Ontario are lucky they have accessibility and availability to machines. You should check the Maritime provinces and see how dead the market is down here. There is nothing for sale and the odd time one comes up "local" it is gone in a flash. I only wish I could buy some of the examples listed in Ontario. I tried to get DE Simpsons from guy in Ontario and he wanted to sell local only even after I offered many more hundreds on top of the price. He was not interested in being involved in shipping and all he had to do was wrap it up and I would arrange the shipping and pick up. Disappointment to be had.
Could always ask a local to give you hand. I'm sure some of us would be happy to lend a hand.
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Jan 19, 2016
Caledon ON
This thread has been one of the most useful one when I started collecting Pinball.
It is very hard for a noob to gauge the market and comments like the one for the IM are precious when you don't really know anything about these machines. For me the ""Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale" is an asset for the community. Especially for the people that are not close to the usual Pinball Lord.
The nice machines are usually sold from one collector to the other from word of mouth and if your are not part of the group of friends (like me) Kijiji is unfortunately one of the only place to find a pinball machine.
I never had any problem selling my games on both Canadian forums but unfortunately never been successful in my many WTB thread attemp..
At the end of the day, we all share the same passion...

From a total newbie, this and the other forums have been very informative. I wish I had more to add to the discussion, but right now I don't have the knowledge. I am hoping in the very near future to be using this site much more for repair/maintenance info. when I get a machine.
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Apr 13, 2013
Kitchener, Ontario
Guys in Ontario are lucky they have accessibility and availability to machines. You should check the Maritime provinces and see how dead the market is down here. There is nothing for sale and the odd time one comes up "local" it is gone in a flash. I only wish I could buy some of the examples listed in Ontario. I tried to get DE Simpsons from guy in Ontario and he wanted to sell local only even after I offered many more hundreds on top of the price. He was not interested in being involved in shipping and all he had to do was wrap it up and I would arrange the shipping and pick up. Disappointment to be had.

There's a few of us who may be able to help, depending on location. As long as I get to play it for a few days first :)


Feb 12, 2014
Waterloo Region
Guys in Ontario are lucky they have accessibility and availability to machines. You should check the Maritime provinces and see how dead the market is down here. There is nothing for sale and the odd time one comes up "local" it is gone in a flash. I only wish I could buy some of the examples listed in Ontario. I tried to get DE Simpsons from guy in Ontario and he wanted to sell local only even after I offered many more hundreds on top of the price. He was not interested in being involved in shipping and all he had to do was wrap it up and I would arrange the shipping and pick up. Disappointment to be had.

I sold my Black Hole on this site and I had a guy from Quebec who was begging me to pack it up and ship it to him. I didn't want to because I explained I'd much rather have someone come over and play the machine and see if there's any small issue that makes it a deal killer for them. He said he has been looking for one forever and didn't care and begged me to ship it to him, so I did! He arranged the entire pick up, I just took her apart and shrink wrapped it on a skid. When he got it, he was incredibly happy and I felt good about shipping a machine to someone who will likely keep it for many, many years...
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Active Member
Sep 20, 2015
nova scotia, canada
I sold my Black Hole on this site and I had a guy from Quebec who was begging me to pack it up and ship it to him. I didn't want to because I explained I'd much rather have someone come over and play the machine and see if there's any small issue that makes it a deal killer for them. He said he has been looking for one forever and didn't care and begged me to ship it to him, so I did! He arranged the entire pick up, I just took her apart and shrink wrapped it on a skid. When he got it, he was incredibly happy and I felt good about shipping a machine to someone who will likely keep it for many, many years...

What I like about this forum is the trust factor. I would feel safe dealing with someone on the forum. It is tough to send money (alot in some cases) across the country and hope you actually receive said item in return. A video/pictures and a trustworthy description of condition is all I can hope for. Kijiji is another story that doesn't always have that trust factor to fall back on.