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FS "Not Mine" Pinball Machines For Sale


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Anyone know of other EBD for sale? That one isn't available anymore.

I thought the price was pretty darn fair... I keep trying to convince myself to like the LE but I haven't made it there yet. There is one on Pinside with a CPR playfield included and in Ohio... but I believe he wants $2,200 for the machine and playfield, which I think is fairly priced, just out of my range.

Edit: Looks like that one may be gone now, says sale pending: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/t...deluxe-limited-edition-w-ipb-playfield/page/2


Active Member
Jul 10, 2014
Orillia ontario
Wonder if hes got any for sale :dummy:
it seems hes a bit upset about losing out on a machine. I actually reported his post to kijiji..
you know most times.. from kijiji, when a machine comes up for sale ... there are tons of offers and upbids and such .. but very seldom does the person doing the offering ever show up. when contacting someone through kijiji I always leave my offer open .. if the person doesn't show then ill make it down in a day or two .. I have had several machines that way where the person saw gold then realizes most of those .. offers are without validity.

A few months ago, I picked up an old Chicago. I had offered something on it .. and made arrangements to come and look and pick it up. luckily it was only about 15 minutes away but when I got there... he was doing the txt mania telling me he was getting offers from tons of people for much more. I didn't budge on my offer.. went through the machine with him.. then left a bit disappointed and appreciative it hadn't been a long drive.. well if I didn't get a call 3 days later .. saying if I wanted the machine for what I offered I could have it.

anyways the guy just posted about his ... comments to owners of a machine to drive price up... I guess the owners will find out soon enough


Active Member
Jul 10, 2014
Orillia ontario
i saw that ac dc in the first few minutes. it is the same guy im sure.. as he is posting now 10000 in the title... no one does that.. lol
seriously.. there wouldn't have been an ac dc for that price.