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SOLD Only for friends without a pin - Time Warp

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Active Member
Nov 19, 2012
I have helped a few friends get into the hobby and it's been great. I fixed up some pins, showed friends the basics and got them hooked, sort of like a feel good drug dealer (aren't they all?).
I'd like to continue the trend and expand out to board members with a friend in a similar situation.

*********Honour system in effect**********
-This pin is not for you or someone living under the same roof
-The "friend" must not own a pin. I'd prefer that they have never owned a pin
-The pin is not to be sold, resold, traded or bartered with for at least 6 months
-Break the rule and a pinball hoard of pitchfork bearing members will be on your front lawn

Cab has has a new back (9 ply Russian birch) and a new bottom
Cab is repainted and BG is a print with second light blocking print
PCB boards have been gone over, recapped, reflowed, new this and new that
Display 1, 2 and master display are perfect.
Display 3& 4 are both missing a segment and a number...verified to be the glass
Playfield is in pretty good condition, no broken plastics
New rubber, most bulbs and a new speaker
Flippers rebuilt
Couple of riveted light sockets from the triangle are dead and popped out, spare triangle included.

$500, no deals, no trades just cash and a happy friend

IMG_20150930_215259.jpg IMG_20150930_215314.jpg IMG_20150930_215324.jpg IMG_20150930_215338.jpg IMG_20150930_215344.jpg


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
I got a buddy at work looking to get his family their first game. He was looking at early SS... I know he was wanting a sys11, but I'll check with him tomorrow and see if he's into it.


Active Member
Nov 19, 2012
Pin is off to a good home, great meeting you Jim!

Now, I want to challenge other members who are sitting on dirty, dusty, folded up projects and do the same. It feels great to help someone get into the hobby and meet new people:D
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Active Member
Apr 1, 2013
Montreal, Quebec
Again another fantastic gesture. Good job. This hobby needs more people like this and less profiteers. Keep it up!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Fred Botelho

New Member
Feb 3, 2015
London Ontario
I can't say enough about this thread and this seller. What a great way to bring more enthusiasts into the hobby. I wish I had the knowledge and skills to take a rusty old pin and bring it back to life and pass it along to someone that truly wanted a pin but could not afford the thousands it costs for a newer title. Good Karma here for all involved.
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