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Pinball Arcade Free Camera Mod (PC Version)


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
[ Current build : v1.4 working with game version 1.42.8 DX11 ]

For those who have never heard of this mod, it allows you to have a total control over the camera, you can move around in the room, zoom in/out, modify the FOV, look at the backglass or even the side decals then look back at the table just by a keypress, without any restriction.
The camera is totally static during gameplay, no more event or multiball camera, it provides the best experience for pincab owners, you can adjust the camera over the playfield to make it perfectly fit your screen or set a hybrid view to see the table and the DMD at the same time! Finally, you can save the view settings to a camera file that you can share with other people on the forum!

The mod has been updated recently with some extra features and is now capable of custom backglass artwork and scoring displays on a separate monitor then the playfield itself, it also allows the DMD to be resized and moved independently of the playfield.

The current build only works with DX11 version of the game.

How to use:

- The mod requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 to work properly.
- Extract the content of the mod's archive somewhere on your HDD.
- Make sure that Settings.ini file is located in the same folder as PBAFreeCamMod.exe.
- Start the mod by clicking PBAFreeCamMod.exe, a popup should appear in your traybar.
- Launch the game with admin rights in Windowed Mode.
- If everything goes well, the mod's overlay should appear in the game.




More information on how to set this up on your VP cab and download links can be found here:
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Reactions: kvoxx and brad808


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Thanks for posting... I guess I need to turn my attention back to my cabinet now after missing out on the WCS. I will give this a go this weekend. I wonder how they are handling interactive backglasses like CV and SS.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Thanks for posting... I guess I need to turn my attention back to my cabinet now after missing out on the WCS. I will give this a go this weekend. I wonder how they are handling interactive backglasses like CV and SS.

Don't worry Casey and thanks for not being a douche and offering the seller more money and screwing Dave W from Montreal who is planning to pick up next week. I will keep an eye out for you and let you know if I come across another WCS94. Is there anything else you are looking for?

In regards to interactive backglasses I don't think Pinball Arcade is going to do anything as this mod or "hack" just allows you to have full control of the camera views. It does look neat but there are already nice re-creations of most of the popular games found on Pinball Arcade by good old jpsalas anyways.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
For full transparency, I did offer to pay asking and pick-up today, but had no trouble stepping away when the seller said he had a firm offer and was going to ask the buyer for a deposit.

I've been playing around with my vp cab for a couple of months now and I think it is really great it just makes me miss a real pinball machine. jpsalas does a great job with his recreations, but I think the graphics are better on Pinball Arcade, so I'd love a full blown cab release by them, though their recent announcement about them abandoning it was quite disappointing. I would have had to sell my vp cab if I had gotten the WCS94, so I still have that to work on :).

A WCS94 was appealing because I've owned one in the past and know what to look for on them, the price seemed fair at $3K so I' guess I'd say that is at the top my price range. I've been watching prices climb for years now and it doesn't seem like you can get a Bally/Williams 90's DMD for anything less than $3K any more. There are numerous titles that would interest me, I just don't think I'm going to see any of them near $3K.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
For full transparency, I did offer to pay asking and pick-up today, but had no trouble stepping away when the seller said he had a firm offer and was going to ask the buyer for a deposit.

I knew all that and the major selling factor was that you were able to pick up today. The seller would like to be able to park his car back in the garage because his windows are starting to frost up in the morning. I told him I doubt any snow will fall by Nov 2nd and to just use the defroster in the morning for now and stick to his word.

There are numerous titles that would interest me, I just don't think I'm going to see any of them near $3K.

You would be surprise and it's all about who you know in this community ;)

How far along are you with your VP cab?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
I knew all that and the major selling factor was that you were able to pick up today. The seller would like to be able to park his car back in the garage because his windows are starting to frost up in the morning. I told him I doubt any snow will fall by Nov 2nd and to just use the defroster in the morning for now and stick to his word.

I'm glad everything worked out for the buyer and the seller... I'll have another pin one day, when it is meant to be, it will be :)

You would be surprise and it's all about who you know in this community ;)

I used to know a lot of people in this community locally, but my priorities changed and I kind of dropped out of the hobby for about a decade :)

How far along are you with your VP cab?

I picked up a project from a local follow, great seller, a couple of months ago who had things well on their way so I've just been finishing up some of the missing pieces on it for a while and find I'm really just tinkering for the sake of tinkering right now. Only two major things to do and I'm not convinced I need to do either, one being side art and the second would be to hook up the LEDWiz to the RFB light bar and strobes.
I've been meaning to put an order in @ zebsboards to make that part go a little easier but picking up a real pin keeps taking my attention away and I don't want to over invest in the vp if I'm going to have to sell it to buy a real pin so its hard to stay focused :)

The recent Pinball FX and your posting on Pinball Arcade has me digging in again so we will see where this goes.

Edit: Just saw your video above... that guys cabinet is outstanding... l watched all his video's, wish I had access to that sort of equipment, I'd build the virtual pin of my dreams if I did. Going to go watch this video now, don't recall seeing it before.


May 12, 2013
Sure enough, weeks after I sell my virtual pin and this comes out. ...ah well, it's funding game of thrones so that makes me happy.

I think I'll build another vp cabinet in a couple years, the software is improving but it's just not yet at what I want it to be. I think my next machine will have a 4K tv


Active Member
Dec 2, 2014
Wow thanks for sharing! Looks amazing! Makes me more motivated to start on my virtual cab.


Aug 19, 2015
Have you guys ever seen BAM in action? (Better Arcade Mode)
Would be awesome getting it to work with TPA.


When set up right... its Amazing how good this looks... its am incredible effect, almost totally believable