Yeah i'm the guy who has the gameroom running all on tokens, i'll weigh in with my perspective,
As to your comments, i agree it stops kids/newbs from starting 4 player games and walking away, it also adds to the whole arcade experience, but it isn't for everyone, as all the guys from my league tease me about it every time they come over, but hey, to each their own. I'm glad someone else is interested in doing it
The charity night is a cool idea, i think people would be really into it
i find putting the games on tokens instead of cash is a much better choice, that way if someone accidently leaves with a couple tokens, no biggie (depending on how cheap you got them) compared to someone walking away with a pocket full of quarters.
As for a token dispenser, i had originally bought a change machine from an auction.. problem is these days all the bills are changing to the new polymer type, and converting the machine to accept the new bills is not a cheap endevour.
Also, when i got mine, i thought it would be easy to change the hoppers to dispense my .984" tokens, but i found out a new hopper wheel was going to cost me hundreds of dollars... so that was out...
I ended up finding a 1982 Pizza Time Theatre (Precurser to chuck-e-cheese) counter top token dispenser, you'd walk up order your meal, and the attendant would press a button on the back to give you 5, 10, 25 tokens depending on what your meal gave you, and it would spit them out the front, so that's what i use to dispense my tokens.
you can keep your eyes open for something like that, or just keep a bucket of them around. Also you could always try to find a hopper from those Japanese skill stop slot machines, and build it into a cabinet yourself and mount a button to make the hopper spin. that would be your cheapest option as the skill stop tokens are super cheap and easy to find online.
Also the mechs aren't too expensive either, sometimes you can find someone online selling a bunch of them at once, that's what i did
My tokens i got from a Starburst auction... got 27,000 in a single lot hahah ended up using 4,000 to cover my bathroom floor, another 3,000 to stock my coin pusher, and i'll have tons to last me for years to come!!
You can also make your own there's a mint in toronto who will print custom tokens for you
kind of unique, but out of my pricerange since i need so many right now.
If you have any other questions or whatever, let me know, would love to see your progress!