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Stern Guardians of the Galaxy Code Update v0.80


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012

PRO V0.80 - December 15, 2017
- fixed guardians letter award issue with multiple letters showing at the same time.
- fixed scoring and sound fx for spinners.
- added differentiation for left and right spinner animations.
- added spinner display effects (LE/PRE only).
- added/fixed missing lights in attract mode lightshows.
- found a few instances where, upon draining, the last movie line would still be repeated at the start of the next ball. This has been fixed.
- Groot Multiball now saves progress and continues from the previous session.
- changed Groot Multiball difficulty, i.e. lowered the number of hits to Groot's Jaw to light lock (Hard = 1 hit, Extra Hard = 2 hits).
- changed criteria for starting Immolation Initiative (now modes must be half completed to qualify instead of starting a mode). Orb/Groot Multiball criteria remains the same.
- fixed Antiquities Shop speech timing.
- Added spell out to instant info
- fixed antiquities shop speech timing.
- added a delay to the knocker to sync better with the match speech.
- fixed several broken speech calls.
- fixed a problem where Groot Multiball was not displaying the correct Jackpot scores.
- changed Orb Multiball scoring.
- optimized Spinner art
- removed unused/combined speech
- added more Drax speech.
- added mother speech.
- added spell guardians display F/X.
- added/fixed additional Korath/Quill/Collector/Carina speech.
- added Rampage Spell out and Rampage Start Display effects to game
- added Groot Multiball Jackpot sounds.
- fixed the AD_MULTIPLIER_SET_REQUIRED_BEFORE_RECOLLECT adjustment, i.e. once a shot multiplier has been collected, it is not available to be re-lit until all of the other shot multipliers have been collected.
- added display animations to Sibling Rivalry, Pod Chase.
- added Super Skill Shot display effect.
- added Star Lord speech to Quills Quest, Pod Chase, Antiquities Shop
- changed the difficulty of advancing towards Orb Multiball.
- Orb Multiball now saves progress and continues from the previous session.
- added Shot Multipliers display F/X.
- optimized jackpot explosion animations
- optimized Rampage Start animation.
- changed default speech/music attenuation on French games.
- fixed a problem where mode timers, upon restarting after a drained ball, did not restart where they left off.
- added speech to Groot Multiball.
- fixed a problem with the ticket(s) redemption display effect, i.e. it was running too long for each ticket awarded and delaying other display effects that were waiting to run.


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