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SOLD Stranger Things Premium

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
National Capital Region
Phenomenal game... I am shocked it’s still here because you’re not gonna be able to get a Premium or LE new ever again
On that topic, and I'm just reporting this to my fellow Pinsiders here, but when I picked up Mando, Michel from P1AG indicated there may be some more Sth Premium yet, though he wasn't certain.

Myself I don't think so, but who knows! Michel did have a list of interested buyers if it ever would come to that.

Anyhow, this game right here is available now, fully dialed in, looks in perfect shape and the price is fine. I would get this myself, but I'm currently moving games to the basement and I 'think' I've also blown my own gameroom budget this year, lol

Edited: so, someone pick this up asap, so that I may stop feeling miserable about it! Or else, I may just double down on my budget :)


Active Member
Apr 29, 2019
Kingsville, ON
Phenomenal game... I am shocked it’s still here because you’re not gonna be able to get a Premium or LE new ever again

LE's correct. But they will make more Premiums. Stern makes runs Pro's and Premiums for about 3 years. Only the LE's have a set number they make. They're not marked sold out on the website.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2019
Milton, Ontario
Do you have any idea on when it is supposed to arrive?
The UV kit should arrive “soon”. Stern has pushed back the date a few times but some people on the STh topic on Pinside have reported arrivals within the past week or so.

In terms of making any more Premium … anything is possible, but AFAIK there are no plans to make any more.

If you want a Stranger Things Premium in next year or more, that is actually working properly, this is your chance.

Honey Badger

Super Member
Nov 20, 2012
Yes but all machines are not created equal or play the same. Sure you may find another premium but is it going to be dialled in and will it play well. I know for a fact mine straight out of the box played like shit and took a lot of tuning from Ottawa flipper. Anyways Luch’s analogy doesn’t take that into consideration. If there’s a title you want and you know it plays well I highly recommend you grab it
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