Wong, do you have a "nostalgia" thread? I am having flashbacks.....
Every night my friend had to remember to turn the ringers off on all the phones in his house in case he wanted to act as the host a game. I never had this problem as I had 3 dedicated lines running war dialers and scanning for PBXs.
My first online multiplayer experience was a shareware version of Doom. I spent countless hours of my childhood playing co-op to finishing the first campaign over and over again before a pirated copy of the full game was released months later. This was played on my awesome 486 DX50 back in '93 and I remembered the debates my friends and I use to have about how their DX2/66 was faster then mine. I told him technically mine was faster my front side bus was 50Mhz where was theirs was 33Mhz x 2 to make up his 66Mhz clock speed.
Other great games that followed after this was Doom ][, Herectic, Hexen, Descent, Descent II, Rise of the Triad, Duke 3D, Quake 1-3, Unreal Tournament. After played all these FPS type games I moved onto playing RTS games online and StarCraft probably sucked a good 4-5 years outta my life during university.