Heat Wave looks fun. What's the deal with the thermometer on the backglass? It is like a bonus thing?
Heat Wave is a great game and I instantly regretted having sold my old one. It is probably my favorite short flipper game.
This game is over 10 years older than its Gottlieb doppelganger Centigrade 37; which also uses a thermometer feature to track progress.
The key elements on Heat Wave are the small mushroom rollovers. 5 at the top arch and 2 just above the flippers. There are also 2 green swinging targets that rock left and right as you try to hit them. All of these targets and rollovers are lit at first and they will help advance the thermometer. It's not really a bonus but the temperature has a direct correlation to the value of the drop target in the centre of the playfield. You can see it goes from 100pts to 500pts and then Special if you "blow your top". The other words that light up next to the thermometer are "cold, cool, warm, hot, torrid" etc...
The green targets also have lit A+B inserts in front of them. Completing both lit targets will raise the drop target again. You can imagine that this can yield big points on a machine that rolls at 10,000pts. If you've got the target value up to 400 or 500pts and you keep knocking it down and bringing it back up, that's huge! Not as easy as it looks though!
The other really cool feature is that the game gets harder as you play it!
At first all 5 rollovers and 2 swinging targets are lit and will advance the thermometer. But, as you get halfway up, the 2 lower rollovers turn off and only add score. Then the 2 outside rollovers at the top also shut down and eventually you are left with just the centre top rollover. The green targets always advance.
Plunging well is critical and catching more then 2 or 3 of the top rollovers is hard. Getting the perfect plunge and sweeping all 5 is pure heaven!
Nudging off those bumpers and keeping the ball up top as long as you can is also key!
It has some great angles and that rubber triangle between the flippers makes for some fun bounces and saves.
Anyway, there's a lot there that you probably wouldn't notice by just looking at it. It's a smart game that plays great and is very lively.
Perfect design by the great Steve Kordek and fun art by Art Stenholm.
Can you tell I like this game yet?
The only really weak area is the cabinet art. Pretty standard fare.
I think this one will be sticking around for a while.