From the stream it looked like the Danger room played OK-it seemed reasonably easy to get out of with that ramp shot (or bouncing past the pop bumper), you can stage flip that flipper, you can cradle over there, and I even saw a right outlane power drain make it over there, so there's lots of opportunity to use it. It's going to be tricky in MB, but it's kind of an upper playfield at the bottom, which is interesting. That turnaround ramp seemed to work most of the time, but when it didn't it seemed deadly. Seems to be more consistent than what's on Deadpool though, which is good. Sound and screen didn't seem all that compelling yet, but it's early. You know what you're in for with the style though. The LE sentinel hands actually seem to be more of an FU than anything else-the one on the right is really wild, and the one on the left just interrupts and shoots the ball backwards. No idea if there's a pro feature that will try to simulate the same thing, but perhaps it just means the pro is a more controllable game?
So at this point, still interested in flipping one. Maybe not as high on it as I was at the initial announce, but keeping an eye on it.