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TWD Opinions


Active Member
Sep 20, 2015
nova scotia, canada
She is leaving Ontario today (Wednesday). I should see her by Friday. I am very excited. Chambahz has set the score bar very high, I need alot of practice to reach his score. Many thanks for all involved.
Just feeding the addiction LOL. I can't stop there.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2012
East York, Toronto
Meh, it's hard to compare high scores as settings are different on every machine.
Just enjoy the game and be sure to ask questions if you're getting frustrated.
Horde mode seems nearly impossible for a while but its quite achievable once you get how the rules work.
Very exciting. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


Active Member
Sep 20, 2015
nova scotia, canada
Meh, it's hard to compare high scores as settings are different on every machine.
Just enjoy the game and be sure to ask questions if you're getting frustrated.
Horde mode seems nearly impossible for a while but its quite achievable once you get how the rules work.
Very exciting. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

I have watched a lot of game play, and 512 mil is very respectable for TWD.
I am but young grasshopper on this pin. I need to find order within the chaos.
Extra bonus, it is pre-loaded with actor/show call outs and newest code plus mods and the most disturbingly awesome topper. And a top notch transaction.
It is nice when things go smoothly.