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Twilight Zone... UBER Cheap slot target fix


Aug 19, 2015
As many may know its a problem target... always bends back, and encourages air balls.
I looked around for fixes, and found some ways to get it to keep its shape some guys are welding stuff to the bracket or making modifications that to me, now, seem overkill... you can even go as far as buying a (more sturdy one) that is probably the ideal way.

But thats gonna take time to order and receive... and its WAY more expensive then what I did. And at a month or more later I can say it looks like its still working very well and has not bent back at all... no matter how many point blank shots its taken thus far.

Im not trying to say the other peoples fixes are not good... or dont work! Im just shocked how little I did and how fast and cheap it is to do it my way. As opposed to building braces, welding, and some of them alter other parts of the game or drilling/fabricating something much more elaborate!

So......What I did was remove the target... bend it back all square for the last time ;).... and right at the top of the target (as far as that bend goes that mounts it to the under side of the PF) Take a zap strap/cable tie, and pop one (or 2 if they are the tiny ones) on there and pull it tight and trim off the excess then.... oh yeah, your done! LOL

What it does is shorten the over all length of the metal just a tiny bit... but that tiny bit makes it much more stiff... also the zap strap probably absorbs a small amount of the shock that happens with every hit as well.

It has NOT bent even a touch since i did this... it worked so well I had to share it with all of you (and now that it proven it can take beating)

So for a few pennies, er I mean less then a nickel your good to go.

Sorry no photos, but if any are needed just say the word:)

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Hmm, interesting idea. I ended up replacing this target (and the clock one) with the reinforced one, but if this works just as well, go for it. Nothing wrong with a hack if it's effective.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
My scoop was busted on my TZ and the new one I got from Mantis had a nice tab welded on it to prevent that target from moving back.


Aug 19, 2015
I found an image online (but edited it to show what im talking about)

Keep in mind in the picture shown the target is bent. You would bend yours back to the proper angle first.;)

Keep the cable tie as high as it will go... it will put more stress higher up, closer to the base, were it screws into the PF.

I only had very small cable ties so I put two next to one another.

IMO, The way the target is originally, its got more leverage to do the nasty. And its in a spot that is going to take a crap load of abuse... not to mention how close to the flippers it is.

It has HONESTLY not bent at all since i did this!... and we have played a heap of games.

And while your at it try and shift the target even a TINY bit to the right to shield the left side of the opening... im getting WAY less shots hitting the scoop aggressively.

I hope it helps someone! :)